C11: Relationships♧

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♧Inner Demon♧

Dear Mama,

One of my friends is being stupid. He's been acting off these past few days and I'm trying my best to reach him but he seems so far away.

He used to confide in me so I wonder what went wrong?

Was I being too pushy?

I've kept his secret safe so I don't know what I did that made him distance himself.


M. A.

♧Inner Demon♧

"Yo! Mahiru, you called for me?" Sakuya shouted as he entered the classroom.

The brunette perked up, his hands immediately darting to grab someone's wrist. He marched towards Sakuya while his other friend reluctantly came with him.

"Sakuya, remember when I told you that I have another best friend?"

Sakuya blinked as his eyes immediately landed on the figure next to Mahiru. What he saw made his eyes widened.

"This is her. Her name is..."

♧Inner Demon♧

'Tai-chan' grunted and handed me the tea, I stared at the hot liquid, steam rising from the surface while I sat formally in my seat like a dignified noble.

If Mahiru and the others saw me, they would probably think twice before believing that such a behave and well-mannered female was the same person that always joked around with them like a crazy idiot. In my defense, it's been so long since I've resumed acting so formally.

Mahiru and the others were so calming to be around that I could actually let my guard down for once and not care what others would think about.

But I wasn't Mahiru nor was I Sakuya, so I wouldn't know the full extent of their reactions. Who knows? They might just surprise me or was it the other way around?

It has been exactly three months since I've been here anyway and those three months of absence have been really eventful thanks to my frequent encounter of the supernatural.

Things have certainly changed ever since the vampire incident and I am quite aware that it will continue to do so until the next few days.. Maybe weeks or months....

I don't really know for sure since there seems to be a lot of variables, some unpredictable and some easily influenced.

Though it is quite fun to watch them, 'Tai-chan' doesn't share the same humor as me.

He only has his goal in mind.

"I heard from Tsurugi that you called. Pity. Why not call me instead? "He asked, lighting his cigarette with a lighter, my nose scrunching up in disgust at the sign of smoke in the well-ventilated room.

He noticed my reaction and seemed to have find amusement in it because he purposely exhaled the smoke from his mouth right on my face, not even caring how disgusting and irritating it was.

I screeched in a high pitched voice and jumped away, fanning the smoke away with my hands using exaggerated movements.

He of all people knew how much I hated smoking and smoke in general. I made sure to show my distaste by giving him a pointed look, showing just how impressed I was of such behavior coming from someone like an adult such as him.

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