The Beginning

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Long ago after the world was first created, beings from all over the galaxy came to take a glimpse at this new creation that the Almighty has made. They were all curious as to what would happen on the planet and soon started going there to see what he had made that was the same but also so different from their own worlds. At first they just went there to play and get away from their world until the Almighty himself asked them to take part in making that new world an even better place. So that’s what they did one by one of the Gods, Goddesses and creatures of every dimension came to influence the world to their liking. Later on a day like any other something happened that changed this peaceful world completely. They were no one other Echidna and her children but, the main one causing the trouble was a Drakaina by the name of Fiora. She was born with both features and some abilities of a dragon; she loved to cause problems over even the little things. Although she did things to the other beings coming to this new world for the fun of it there was just one thing that she did that made the Almighty himself angry and make a life changing decision for everyone.


It was when Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden just enjoying their time together as well as with the creatures of the land. That one moment when Eve goes off in search of food she comes upon an apple tree in the part of the garden that they were forewarned to never go into but curiosity got the better of her when she sees the tree. As she made her way towards the tree a snake comes down to convince her to take just one bite of the apple so that she can see how it taste and experience something just as amazing as living in the garden. Now that very snake is Fiora herself who used her powers to change her appearance to blend in with her surroundings and trick Eve. Soon after Eve had taken a bite of the apple and convinced Adam to take a bite everything started to look different to them little by little with this nothing would be the same. Seeing that they disobeyed his only rule to them the Almighty sent Adam and Eve out of the garden forever. Fiora was permanently changed into a snake because of her crime for enticing Adam and Eve to eat of the tree that they were warned not to partake of. Now because of this the Almighty ordered everyone who had was there to leave and not return to that world but stay in their own. With this Some went home, others made themselves apart of that world and most who were either of the light or dark made sure that there would be a way to come back to that world under the Almighty’s watch. 

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