In A Biology Project - Chapter 3

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The next day - biology class

“Well, you may continue with your projects!” Professor Hanji announced. Levi and Mikasa reluctantly picked up their feet and joined their tables together.

Instead of asking project-related questions, Mikasa teased, “Shorty, I never knew you were a clean freak! Pff--”

Levi narrowed his eyes. “Who told you that?!”

“For privacy reasons I’m not going to tell you. I know your fangirls doesn’t know that you’re a clean freak, so if you don’t do what I say, I’ll let the cat out of the bag.”

“Hmph,” Levi seemed to remain poker-faced. “Well, isn’t that for the better?”

“What?” Mikasa was dumbfounded. She didn’t expect that kind of reply.

“That means, the fangirls will leave me, and all the more less hassle for me to be with you,” Levi lifted Mikasa’s chin gently, staring deep into her eyes.

Mikasa’s face turned lobster-red with her eyes widened, and her heart was pounding wildly. W-What is he trying to do?!

“Levi, Mikasa, may I ask what you’re doing?” Professor Hanji asked “sweetly” with an eerie smile. Mikasa and Levi immediately retreated back to their seats as they had sensed that Professor Hanji was hopping mad. Seething with rage, she reprimanded, “This is not a place for romantic dates! If you don’t want to study, get out!”

“Sorry, Prof. Hanji,” Both Mikasa and Levi apologised softly, lowering their vision. The surrounding classmates stared with murmurs of gossips among them, making Mikasa smile sheepishly.

When Professor Hanji left, Mikasa’s face turned red with anger and she glared at Levi with bulging eyes. “How could you do this?!”

“Ackerman, be thankful that I didn’t report you to the principal,” Levi said coldly, ignoring Mikasa’s emotions. “If you know my secrets, then I know your secrets too. It’s a win-win situation, in a way.”

Mikasa gruntled, clenching her fist.

“Hello there! Aren’t you guys the most ‘popular’ couple in the college?” A crisp, clear voice butted in from behind. It belonged to a boy, probably the same age as Mikasa. He had a layer of almost shoulder-length blonde hair. Looking at his features, Mikasa instantly recognised him.

“Oh, hello Armin...” Mikasa greeted. “And don’t call us a couple!” She had almost wanted to punch him in the face for that. “Armin, I thought you’re the top of the class? Why do you need my help in this biology project?”

“I don’t need help,” Armin said, giving a gleeful smile, then pointing to an another taller boy beside him. “Eren does.”

At the mention of “Eren”, Mikasa and Levi perked up. Recalling about the past few months, she only knew that Eren’s academic results were always in the last 5 in the class. Why is Armin and Eren paired together? Their results are worlds apart.

“Hi,” Eren flashed a lopsided smile, showing his dimples. Thinking that he was cute, Mikasa blushed, but Levi just scowled at him. He had auburn-brown hair, and his fringe formed a "curtain" pattern. “Uhm, biology’s my worst subject, so I need help from you two. Armin’s explanations are *way* too complex.”

“But why us?” Levi questioned suspiciously. “You’re not trying to break me and Ackerman up, are you?” He narrowed his eyes. Mikasa hissed angrily at him.

“Wha--?! No! Of course not! I don’t even know Mikasa very well!” Eren tried to brush it off, but Levi’s incessant probing forbade it.

Armin laughed nervously as the two idiots, Eren and Levi, were having a squabble. “So, Mikasa, will you lend your notes to Eren?”

“Hmm... I guess..” Mikasa answered grudgingly. She was a bit of a perfectionist and was worried that without her notes, she would not perform a perfect job for the project.

Upon hearing Mikasa’s approval, Eren was over the moon and he flashed a broad grin at her. “Thanks, Mikasa! I’ll return you them tomorrow!”

Mikasa handed Eren her biology notebook, and he walked speedily together with Armin back to his seat. At the sight of it, Levi mumbled under his breath, “I should’ve forbidden you to lend him that.”

“What?” Mikasa raised her eyebrow.

“Nothing. Let’s carry on with our project.”

“Ah! I forgot to tell you all... The pair with the best end product of the project gets to have free food from the cafeteria for a week!” Professor Hanji’s voice boomed, making a last-minute announcement from her phone. It seemed that she had just received it, too.

“FOOD?!!” Sasha was whirling with excitement. “IMAGINE HOW MANY POTATOES I CAN EAT WITH THAT!!!” She was more than thrilled, as it was obvious from her animated actions and exaggerated tones. Christa, who was sitting beside her, had to calm her down.

“Hmm.... Ackerman, what food would you get if we really ‘won’ this?” Levi casted curious glances at Mikasa.

“.....” Mikasa ignored his question. “Well, Armin’s the top of the class, so I bet he’d be the one getting it.” As she talked, her voice got softer.

Looking at Mikasa’s dismayed face, something deep down in Levi’s heart decided that he had to surpass Armin. And Eren, too.

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