In A Biology Project - Chapter 4

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After a few days

It was was pouring like cats and dogs. The raindrops pelted on the window panes of Mikasa’s room. Ignoring the sound of the rain, she continued burying her head into the pile of science textbooks, “digesting” as much information as she can.

Knock, knock! “Mikasa, lunch’s ready! Can I come in?” The bubbly, unmistakable voice was Sasha’s. Mikasa glanced at the clock, and it was indeed lunchtime. Her stomach grumbled like an old man.

“... Just come in,” Mikasa replied back, putting down her pen and loosening her muscles. She shoved the textbooks aside to make room for her lunch. For the past three hours, she had been studying intensely, learning all the new facts and concepts within one day by hook or by crook. The door creaked open, and Sasha trod gingerly in, holding a tray of piping hot ramen and a glass of icy cold lemon juice. She placed it cautiously on Mikasa’s table.

“... I don’t like lemon juice,” Mikasa groaned. “It’s too sour. I prefer orange juice.”

“Eh.... But this is the only drink I have now. It’s no time to be picky,” Sasha smiled sheepishly, persuading Mikasa to drink it.

Mikasa sighed. Sasha was so persistent that even *she* couldn’t point-blank refuse her, so she decided to heed her. Gripping the glass of lemon juice, Mikasa took a deep breath, and she swallowed it down all in one shot.

Looking at Mikasa’s deepened creases on her forehead, Sasha asked apologetically, “U-Uh... Mikasa.. Sorry...”

“No, it’s okay.. I shouldn’t be picky,” Mikasa assured her, fighting off the sour sensation in her brain. Then her left eyelid twitched several times. When she was in childhood, she had heard that when the left eyelid twitches, it symbolises a bad omen. But she just brushed it off as mere superstition.

But still, a *mere* superstition can still become reality...

Sasha’s “hawk eyes” spotted Mikasa’s drawings and diagrams related to the project they’re working on. “Wow! Your drawings are great! Mind if I borrow ‘em?” Sasha pleaded, winking at Mikasa. She stared at her incomplete drawings, worrying that if Sasha borrowed it, she would not be able to hand them in tomorrow.

After much begging, Mikasa finally relented. Sasha left her room, and now it was a tranquil peace. Not to be mean to Sasha or anything, but Mikasa sometimes finds her annoying. Noticing that she hadn’t touched her ramen for once, she grabbed her utensils. Just as she was about to tuck in, her cell phone rang. On the screen, it showed “Shorty”.

“... That pesky shorty again,” Mikasa groaned, reluctantly taking the call. She tapped the green button on the screen and pushed the warm phone surface near her right ear. “What do you want?”

“... Have you completed the drawings yet?” Levi queried.

“I lent them to Sasha,” Mikasa replied.

“What?! How could you! You knew clearly that they’re due tomorrow! The drawings! What if we don’t get the prize--” Levi halted suddenly, regretting what he had said.

“Huh?! Why does getting free food from the cafeteria for a week matters to you?! I thought you’re able to afford them?!” Mikasa barked, perplexed at Levi’s words.

“I-- Well, just know that I need it! If you can’t follow my orders, then let’s don’t be partners anymore!”

“.... What..?” Mikasa’s voice softened. Her eyes reddened and turned moist. “Shorty... I never knew... I always thought that your barks were worst than your bite... But... How could you...” Her fingers felt paralysed from the overflowing emotions and she dropped her cell phone. Immediately, she stormed out of the room, slamming the door with a loud bang, which shook Sasha and Christa.

“I wonder what happened to Mikasa?” Christa asked in concern.

“I’ll check,” Sasha said, leaving her room. She could only find a cooled bowl of ramen which were originally piping hot with no one in sight. And a cell phone which its call hasn’t hung up yet. Picking up the phone in her hands, she saw the name “Shorty” on it. Then the caller hung up.

“Wait... Don’t tell me... It’s Levi who’s on the phone...?!” Sasha stared at the screen with eyes widened.


Mikasa weeped incessantly while running in the rain, oblivious to the fact that her hair and clothes were completely soaked with water. All of a sudden, she bumped into another familiar guy. She lifted her head up -- it was Eren! He was holding a umbrella, and Mikasa was immediately sheltered from the rain from the second she bumped into him.

“M-Mikasa? Why are your eyes so red?” Eren probed, but got no answer from her. All he could see was Mikasa’s tear-stained face and her eyes glinting with melancholy. As if she had found a life saviour, she shoved her body towards Eren, soughting for comfort in his arms. At this moment, her soft weeps broke out into loud, uncontrollable sobs.

“...” Eren remained in silence, astounded by Mikasa’s actions. In his dilemma, he said, “For now, let’s go to my house. It’s pouring heavily out here.”

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