In A Biology Project - Chapter 5

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At Eren’s house

“Grab one,” Eren tossed a towel towards Mikasa, and she caught it.

“Thanks,” she thanked, wiping her wet face and hair. She had changed into a set of clean and fresh clothes. Her eyebags were still red from the crying.

“Mikasa... Tell me what happened,” Eren probed, being all ears on Mikasa. “I can help you.”

“No, you can’t help me with this,” Mikasa sighed, her face creased with sorrow. “I don’t know what happened to that shorty. I never knew he was that serious on getting the free food. No, seriously, why? Actually, I don’t even know what drove me to do this too.”

Eren listened intently with his ears perked up like a rabbit’s. “Oh yeah, I wanted to return you your notebook.” He handed Mikasa’s notebook to her, then added, “I...saw your drawings of Levi inside. They’re really good.”

“O-Oh, uh...” Mikasa didn’t know what to reply. She felt flattered, of course, but this wasn’t going to make her feel better. “I can’t help it, for some reason, every day and night I can’t take him off my mind, so I resorted to drawing him to let out all my feelings. Everytime I look at Levi, I always feel intrigued by him, and for some reason I just keep being attracted to him like a magnet, although it’s against my will. His bark is worst than his bite, though, and he’s a total clean freak! And his height is just as terrible. I wonder why a lot of girls are head over heels with him?!” Mikasa pouted.

Looking at Mikasa’s facial expression, Eren broke into a somewhat forced smile. “You guys get along really well...” At that moment he said that, he felt uneasy.

“Huh? What, no!” Mikasa tried denying, awkwardly gesturing. “We’re always quarreling. We’re like fire and water!”

Ding dong! The doorbell rang, and Eren’s face says that he seemed to have foreseen who was at the door. He staggered to the door, and reluctantly pulled the handle to open it.

“Where’s Mikasa?” was Levi’s first question when he saw Eren at the door. Levi brushed past him, scanning the room for Mikasa. There she was! She was sitting calmly down on a sofa, although she furrowed her eyebrows at the sight of Levi.

“Look, scarf freak, you didn’t have to do that,” Levi feigned his groans. “I was so worried about you.”

Mikasa’s eyes suddenly lit up. Wait.. That shorty... Was worried about me?

“But... Levi... How did you know it was my house?” Eren questioned, shooting him a quizzical look.

“The second person Ackerman would go to when in distress is definitely you,” Levi deduced accurately, shooting Eren a deadly glare. "The first person would be me."

“Well, that’s because you made her cry,” Eren shot back. For some reason, he felt as brave as a lion at this moment.

Levi gruntled angrily, and he stood right in front of Eren, giving him a sense of hostility. “Oh? Then shall we declare war to see who is able to get Ackerman?” Levi challenged, his tone being overconfident.

“Good idea,” Eren flashed a broad grin, taking up his challenge. “Challenge accepted!”

Mikasa watched in awe as the two guys declared “war” on each other. And... She started giggling non-stop, thinking about how “idiotic” they were. “Look, would you guys please stop acting? My stomach hurts!”

Levi and Eren were stupefied. “What do you mean by ‘acting’? It’s for real!”

“... What?” Mikasa immediately halted. Only then she realised that two boys -- Eren and Levi -- were fighting over her. Oh my god, I’m such an idiot. “... Meh, whatever, as if I’d choose one of you! Over my dead body!” Mikasa avoided the stares of the two of them, revealing her “tsundere” side.

“Ackerman, you’re too naive,” Levi said, gazing into Mikasa’s eyes. “I’ll go to any lengths to make you fall in love with me.”

“And I’m no exception either! Listen, Levi, you’ll have a formidable love rival!”

Mikasa broke into a smile and sighed with relief, looking at the two boys having their love rivalry.

For the rest of the days till the project dateline, Levi, Mikasa and their other classmates worked hard so that they could finish it perfectly.

A few days later after handing in the biology project

Mikasa didn’t know what to do -- ever since the love rivalry between Levi and Eren started, she had been constantly receiving flowers, gifts, love letters, etc, from the both of them. Now they were a nuisance to her. My rented room doesn’t have so much space to contain them! But then she remembered something. Wait, maybe the reason why Levi is serious in this project will be revealed! Her eyes lit up.

The bell rang shrilly, announcing the time for biology class. And today, the results of the biology project would be announced -- who would be getting free food from the cafeteria?

Professor Hanji strode into the classroom, holding biology textbooks in her hands. Her eyes gleamed with excitement, and she grinned happily. “Congratulations to Levi and Mikasa for winning the prize!!”

“What..?” Mikasa’s eyes widened in shock, then it started to tear up. She rubbed her tears away.

“Told you we could do it,” Levi said.

“Uwaahh~!! I wanted it~!!” Sasha cried indignantly. “My lovely potatoes!!!”

“C’mon Sasha, I’ll treat you to more potatoes,” Christa smiled, then turned to Mikasa and Levi. “Congratulations.”

Both of them muttered a word of thanks. Just then, Armin came up with an indignant-looking Eren.

“Well, I never knew you could do it. Congratulations,” Armin smiled, then nudged Eren. “C’mon, say it!”

“Uh, well...” Eren hemmed and hawed. “C-Congratulations... But it doesn’t mean Levi has won your heart yet!”

Levi glared at Eren, and their rivalry was fired up once more.

Mikasa mumbled softly, "... Eren, I'm sorry... but I only like you as a friend." Luckily, both boys didn't hear this.

Professor Hanji slammed the table, silencing everyone in the classroom. “Please return to your seats, we will now start the lessons!”

Next day, breaktime

“You know what, Ackerman?” Levi probed Mikasa. They were having their meals together(coincidentally) at the cafeteria.

“What?” Mikasa tucked into her favourite meal of omelette.

“I knew you were from a poor family, and you’ve been trying to juggle studies and part-time jobs. You loved the omelette here, yet it’s super expensive, so you only have it once a month when you receive your part-time salary. And for the past week, I know you’ve been skipping lunches by lying, ‘I have already eaten’.”

“Wha--?!! How did you know!”

“By monitoring your every move and action, even when you’re in the bathroom,” Levi’s face turned dark, staring into Mikasa’s eyes.

“PERVERT!!” Mikasa immediately went for a punch towards Levi’s face, but he managed to stop it in time. “Grr...!!”

“Just joking,” Levi joked, although he remained indifferent. “I checked your individual information through the college computers under the permission of my father.”

“Well, since you don’t want me to starve, get lost so that I can have a proper meal without disturbance!!” Mikasa shouted, her face still red with anger.

Levi stayed in silence. “.... Your strong front makes me fall in love even more with you.”

“Goddammit, die you shorty!"


A/N: Okay, so that’s the end of this fanfic! ^^ If I ever have any inspiration, I’ll probably write more oneshots for this. C:

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