Part 4 - What happened?

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-I feel like a car just ran me over... My eyelids feel so heavy.. I open my eyes a very little bit and see a bright white light..-

Woman: 'Miss James? Are you awake?'

Troian: 'whhat..? Who are you?'

Woman: 'Miss, you're in the hospital, the first aid. You fainted as soon as you saw your mom..'

Troian: 'What is it? What is up with my mom? What happened to her!?'

Woman (nurse): 'Someone knocked her down with a hammer..'

Troian: 'OH MY GOD!!! IS SHE OK?? WHO DID IT!?'

Nurse: 'They didn't find any fingerprints on the hammer.'

Troian: 'Where the hell did they found the hammer?'

Nurse: 'It layed right next to her..'

Troian: 'How did you find her and me? Did that person try to kill her? Can i visit my mom? Is mom having an brain injury?? When..'

Nurse: 'I understand that you have a lot of questions but-'

*light flashes off*

Troian: 'What the heck is happening?'

(Should i make the chapters longer??)

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