A new life

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Avni sat on the window frame of the apartment she was staying in Mumbai, with Esha and Amra. An unfriendly emptiness was still surrounding her, as she felt really lost without Noya. Neil was busy for the past few days with work, so he wasn't able to show up that frequently. Avni recalled a few moments of her with Noya, and bitterly smiled to herself. Why wasn't I ready for this moment.. I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. She took a huge sigh and got up to go inside, is it was late in the night. She turned around and bumped into someone. Neil was standing in front of her. Avni didn't realise that tears were rolling down her cheeks, and she hugged Neil tightly, who tensed up with her reaction. "Avni? What happened?" Neil tensed up with Avni's reaction. He tried asking her in many ways, but didn't get a reply for a while. Avni quickly moved away, and wiped off her cheeks. "just.. Noy.." Neil relaxed and a bit as she spoke. He smiled and hugged her again. "Haha.. silly girl. You just gave me a heart attack.." He softly placed a kiss on the side of her face. Just then Neil's phone rang. "Heya!" He sounded really excited. Avni moved away to look at his face. "God I'm still trying to pacify this girl you left me with. I guess you have toast Aarav, if he's willing to hitch a second wife, so that Avni can stay with you." Neil teased, Avni got so mad, that she fist bumped hard on Neil's stomach! "Ouch! Haha!" Neil grabbed on Avni's hand tightly.


A/N: I'm inserting the last four chapters of my incomplete story, "A Million Words" into this story now, the chapters are of their wedding and honeymoon. Hence, I will not be including new wedding chapter for this story. The next chapter of this one, "The Old Silent" will next continue from where I left the story of "A Million Words"

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