the beginning

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing beside me. As I sat up I could feel a weight on the side of my bed. I looked over to see my Persian fast asleep curled up in my covers. I smiled lightly as I petted him on the side of the head. He jolted awake to look straight into my eyes even though he can't see me. I hooked up his leash and led him to his food bowl.

As he lapped up all the food I poured him some water and smiled. Sadly now a days I have to be smart on how to get him to take his medicine. He can usually smell the stuff a mile away, I can't blame him for not taking either. The stuff smelled like dirty socks and football team after their game. But I have gotten better at sneaking it into his food bowl. When he finally finished I grabbed his leash and led him to the backyard so he could do his business. When he was finished I took him into his room. Because he is blind, he's always knocking into stuff so I made a room that all sharp corners are covered and with tons of toys.

As I locked him into the room I started getting ready for work. As I stood in front of the mirror I brushed my auburn hair and washed my face. Ever since I was younger my face has always been a bit pale no matter what I do. I have a friend who worked for a bunch of people at YouTube so she said they had an internship and I took it. As I got out the door some dude in a van honked at me as I walked by. I scoffed as he finally drove away, when I reached my car I had forgotten my phone on my bed stand. As I walked back to the house I could see a man drive by, his windows were tinted but I could see he had bright green hair. Or eyes connected for a second before he went out of my sight.

As I grabbed my phone and got into my car I could see another car drive by but I couldn't see into the window. When I got onto the highway I had to take out my phone to see where I was going.

As I pulled into the parking lot I looked at the large white building that stood before me. As I walked into the large double glass doors they slid open without a sound. As I entered the building I could see people bustling around, obviously having somewhere to be and didn't have time to deal with a new intern.

As I walked forward a man with bright red hair walked up to me.

"You might not want to take it in all at once" he smiled. He had a deep voice that could make any girl melt, but I'm not any girl.

"Yea that would probably be smart." I smiled back. As I looked at him more closely I could see he had chocolate brown eyes just like mine, but instead of being pale he was really tan, and was extremely buff

"I'm mark" he said reaching out his hand.

"I'm amber" I smiled. "I'm looking for Lucy" I added looking around again.

"Well, I was heading that way so just follow me." He smiled

As he started walking away I followed close behind keeping an eye on everything around me. There were ping pong tables and a huge slide instead of stairs. As we passed a large open conference area I could see a man with bright green hair and baby blue eyes looking right at me instead of paying attention. As he waved towards my direction I realized he was waving to mark, as I poked him in the back he spun around to look back at me. I nodded towards the dude with green hair he smiled and walked into the glassed in area.

"Mark" the man smiled with a heavy Irish accent. I could feel myself retreating into the corner as he walked up to him, hugging him and patting him on the back.

"Who's the las" he nodded in my direction.

"She's the new intern." He shrugged

He walked towards me I could see that he was a bit pale just like me. I reached out my hand for him to shake but instead he took me and wrapped me in his arms in a hug. I tensed as he laughed at my reaction.

"Works every time" he chuckled" I'm Sean but everyone calls me jack."

"I'm amber" I smiled shyly

"Do I know you" he asked tilting his head to the side like a bird.

"I don't think so" I looked back at my feet.

"oh well" he shrugged" I'll think of it later."

As we walked out of the area I released a breath I didn't realized I was holding. When we passed a long hallway filled with rooms that music seems to be streaming out of them. I didn't realize I had stopped until mark called my name from halfway through the hall.

"This should be your place" he motioned to the door in front of us.

"Thankyou" I smiled as he started down the hall

As he neared the corner of the hall I couldn't help but feel a little sad that he was leaving. But as I shaked off the feeling the door opened.

"Amber" a girl's voice asked

"Lucy" I laughed as she opened the door fully. A she ushered me into the room, there were monitors in the corner showing...every hallway I walked through.

"hold on" I turned back to look at her" were you spying on me"

"I had to make sure you weren't going to break anything" she smiled slyly "and besides it seems you've made some new friends."

I could feel a blush entering my cheeks as she inspected me further" I don't know what you're talking about."

I could hear Lucy laugh only louder and louder" oh come on I haven't seen mark look at somebody like that in a long, long time."

I could feel my cheeks only get redder and redder as she laughed harder and harder. As she showed me the hallways and how to get where she finally told me what I will be doing. I continued on with my days and every day I started to learn new thing about both jack and mark. 

every day was anew adventure and I was always excited for the next day. 

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