the video

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"All participants of the 2018 YouTube special, please head for the front of the building." The loud speaker cackled "we will be heading to Commodore Park for the filming."

The way to the parking lot was not a pretty sight, this was the area where they kept most of the extra supplies and didn't seem to have any extra use.

"Ok" I sighed as we reached the parking lot. As I looked around for my car jack was already unlocking the door of a small black sedan. As he waved me over, he held the door open to the passenger side. As I stepped in he walked to the other side and stepped in himself. As we took off down the road, jack reached over to the radio just as another song started.

"You got two black eyes from loving too hard and a black car that marches your blackest soul" I looked over at jack who was looking at me and smiling. As I punched him lightly in the arm he laughed and put his eyes back on the road. When we finally reached the park, part of it was completely empty. As I looked around there were tons of cameras and makeup artists and pretty much everything else in the world that you would need for this.

"Well" jack smiled putting his hands on his hips" this will be fun"

As we walked forward about 20 people came rushing up to jack pulling him towards the set. As he looked back at me he smiled and waved, knowing that this will take a while. When he was out of view I started walking around the park, looking around at the beautiful scenery. As I kept walking there was a beautiful clearing between some trees with a beautiful cloud view. As I laid down on the soft grass, I could hear someone coming up behind me. As I sat up to look behind me, I saw mark coming out through some bushes.

"Nice of you to join us." I smiled as he laid there beside me, looking up with me at the clouds. While I was laying there he reached over and grabbed my hand making me shift. As we laid there in silence, a slight wind picked up and I had left my jacket at the office. Out of the corner of my eye I could see mark taking of his jacket and handing me it.

"Thanks" I smiled

I don't know how long we laid there when I could hear jack calling for me. As I started to walk off mark sat up and reached for my hand to stop but I tripped over my feet and landed in his lap. I could feel my cheeks burning bright red, while mark just sat there staring into my eyes. When he finally let go of my hand I carefully climbed off his lap and started heading towards the recording area.

When I got there I found jack walking around calling my name. When I reached him he was talking to some other girls asking if they had seen me. When they looked at me I put a finger over my lips telling them to be quiet. When I got close enough I jumped on his back. When I landed he stumbled forward landing on his hands and knees with me still clinging on to his back. When I rolled off I went into a fit of laughter and when jack realized it was me he joined in.

We were still laughing when we stood up and it started all over again when jack tripped over his own feet. When we finally stopped jack had an arm around my shoulder leading me to the set. As I looked back towards where I had come, there was no sign that mark was there.

As jack walked forward I was pulled from my thoughts, I couldn't see much of the park since most of it was covered with green screen. When we reached another clearing, right in front of us was a big reservoir of water. As I ran forward jack started chasing behind me, and when I reached the water's edge I started taking off my shirt.

"Uh..."jack stammered behind me turning bright red.

"It's a swim top" I laughed "don't worry I usually go swimming after my jobs, it helps me relax."

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