Chapter one

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*****On the phone with Harry*****

"Hey bebz," he said with a heavy low voice, so soft that it was barely audible.

"Hilo, what's wrong? Don't be so sad, tomorrow is our 16 year friend anniversary BAH-BEE!"  I tried to make him laugh, it worked but it was more of a forced laugh.

DEAD SILENCE filled the air, i broke it by saying,"Dude, I'm gonna come to your house and cut your balls' off if you don't acknowledge my presents and talk to me...." I sighed.

*****Harry's P.O.V.*****

Why couldn't I have told her sooner? I love her, she's my best friend, i can't tell her that I'm leaving tomorrow. On top of it, why the hell do i gotta leave tomorrow? Damn it Harry, now what do I do. I can't put her through this, i have to, but I-I-I cant do this..... I hung up the phone, I feel so ashamed..... I must've said 'I-I-I cant do this' out loud 'cause I got about 20 texts saying 'Can't do what' or 'What ever I did, I'm sorry'. It's not you that should be saying sorry, I'm about to break her, and my hearts.

You see, I figured that if I didn't tell her, that it wouldn't really be happening. If i didn't tell her, none of this would happen and everything would be as it is now. I know that I will keep in contact with her, but it wont be the same..... At least I'm not sure if i am actually going to get in, though.

I started to sob, there was nothing better to do...

*****Ally's P.O.V*****

Fuck my life..... What the hell did I do? I started crying, it soon turned into a loud sob, not loud enough for my parents to hear though. I heard my computer in my room ding. Harry was trying to Skype me. I quickly whipped off my tears, but I still looked like total shit. I clicked on the 'Skype' icon on the bottom left corner. There is where I saw Harry sobbing with his arms straddling his legs, and his head low.

"H-h-hello," I managed to get out with a lump in my throat. You see, the only reason that I was crying, was because Harry never did that, unless it was something BIG, and concerned the both of us. Like, a while back when we were 11 his mum and step dad were going to move away, but we convinced them to stay here.

He looked up, with his eyes red and puffy. He knew why I was crying just like I did when we were 11 year olds' . He sniffled, but said "Hello," and with that he gave me a half smile and was playing with his hands.

"I know you Styles," I said. "You only play with your hand when you're hiding something." I stated with my arms crossed with a look on my face that said 'Damn it, tell me tell me tell me'.

*****Harry's P.O.V*****

"I know you Styles," she said. "You only play with your hand when your hiding something."

"Ally, I love you, and it breaks my heart to tell you this *Sniffle* b-b-bu-but-"

"I love you too, Harry we're best friends, always have always will be. You've been there for through thick and thin, you and I share everything with each other. I love you, and you love me, so in conclusion of that true statement, please tell me." She said it in the softest voice that shes ever used on me, and with that i spilled about how 'this is a one in a lifetime offer' and how 'we'll still keep in touch' I said 'I love you' through out the whole thing. She just stared at me blankly, no emotion. One and one tear only slowly slid down her cheek. She said even softer than ever before, "I love you Styles," then she clicked the X in the top right corner and that was it, or so i thought.

*****Ally's P.O.V*****

I didn't let one more tear drop, all I did was tell my mom that I was going to Harry's. She said that, that was fine. And now I was on my 10 minute walk to Harry's house. Until I saw this Curly green eyed figure in the middle of the sidewalk. He saw me to, then we ran to each other, did our hand shake that we made up when we were six year old's and then gave each other a passionate kiss on the cheek.

"I'm going to miss you," the familiar voice stated.

I replied," Me too."

We intertwined our fingers and walk to our favorite spot in the park, a big Oak tree with swirly roots. We sat there, and talked until 1:00 a.m.

Don't forget me (A Harry Styles fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now