Chapter three

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I woke up from that horrible nightmare. Yes that was all a dream, a stupid, crazy, real, dream.

My name is Allison Tompson, call me Ally though.

I have brown bipolar hair.

Some days it's straight...

Some days it's curly...

Some days it's so frizzy I want a buzz cut...

I'm 18 years of age. Turning nineteen soonish.

I have a boring brown shade colored eyes. Honestly, looks like someone crapped in my eyes.

I am average weight, not overweight, and not to..ehh... skinny.

I'm not one of those girly girls, I'm more of a 'I don't give a fuck, just put it in the cart and lets go home' kind've girl. I HATE shopping, unless I'm on my own. Well enough about me, let's get on with it.

*****I'm at Pick'n'save with my best friend Alexa (my roommate) fighting over if we should get Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip*****

"Damn it Lexi, let's just get both then," I said angrily.

"YAY!" She screamed into my ear.

I've been best friends with Lexi as long as being best friends with Harry. Except, me and Harry were 'Bestfriends'tilltheend' and me and her were 'F r i e n d s', see the difference?

I bought some sandwich supplies, fruits, and a six pack of Gatorade for our picnic in the park. I also bought COOKIES!

We went home and changed into something more comfy, and sporty. Some basketball shorts, and my exboyfriends batman t-shirt will work. Yes, I said exboyfriend.

I had been with him, Carter for a good two years until well the accident, honestly he wasn't even my ex.. We never broke up, we were inseparable. I kept hearing my name being called was it.... No it couldn't be, could it?

"Allison!!!!!!!!!!! Hello? Am I talking to myself here? Hello?" Alexa said angrily, making me go back into the present.

"Oh I was just thinking," I said, still deep in thought.

"Well, are we going, or not?"

"Yeah, should we take our bikes? Or walk?"

"How 'bout we take our bikes, it's faster, yenno."

"Okay, lets go freak."

"Hmf, I'm the freak..." She said quietly, but I ignored her getting my bike. It was about a five minute bike ride, and a ten minute walk.

Alexa knows about me and Harry, heck she was friends with him, too. She knows about our 'best friend relationship'. But, she doesn't know how I 'felt', past tense, about Harry. I've moved on from my 'more than friends' feelings about him, but that didn't mean that I still didn't miss him, as a friend.

Me and Lexi, as I mostly call her, are Directioners. We arn't those kind've Directioners that have card bored cutouts of them. We liked the music, but if i do say so myself his band mates are HOT, no doubt about it!

I must've be WAY too deep in thought, because the next thing I knew it, I heard a car beep, and I was in a black-out.

I was dreaming, I presume. 

There were 5 of them.

One curly haired.

One blond haired.

One holding a carrot.

One with a mirror.

And one known as 'daddy'.

They were staring at me, stalkerish stares. The curly one, was drooling with blood coming out of every inch of his face, infact, all of their faces and body's had blood coming out of them. The curly one moved closer.

And closer.

And closer.

The rest of the boys? Yes boys, followed close behind him.

The curly one said, "Pretty one we have here, aye? The pretty ones are always the funnest to kill!" He said whilst snickering.

The one holding a mirror said,"Daddy, can I use my chain saw, I WANT HER ORGANS!"

"Aye carrot boy," Daddy said. "Do you want to make dinner tonight, she'll be tasty," He said whilst licking his lips. By now, everyone was drooling.

The one holding a carrot said, "She'll make a fine carrot soup, oh carrots," He said with a grunt and an evil laugh at the end.

The blond one came even closer than the curly one was. He held up his chain saw. I couldn't say anything, but just as he lowered it..... And soon..... 

Everyone was suddenly naked and making out.

EXCEPT, for me.




Just before I woke up, I heard voices. It sounded like Alexa, and a doctor? Maybe. I heard a sort've crackling sound, maybe a paper bag?I heard the doctor telling Alexa something, it sort've sounded like the doctor giving Alexa directions, medication directions? I finally decided to 'wake up' or at-least physically opening my eyes, and groaning to let them know that I'm here, and conscious.

"ALLY!" Alexa exclaimed.

"Shhh!," the doctor instructed.

"Ally!" She said in a 'hush hush' voice.

I giggled, but not before replying a simple 'Hey'.

"Excuse me, Miss?," I stated to the female doctor that looked annoyed with Lexi.

"Yes dear?" The doctor that looked like she was in her mid-thirties asked.

"How long have I been here? How much work did I miss? Is this going to cost me a fortune?"

"Woah girl, calm down everything is fine.," Lexi said, getting a glare from the doctor.

"You've only been here for three hours, i'm pretty sure that you don't have work today, and no, your insurance covered everything." she said. "You're free to go." she said with a too perky smile, woah, hold the coffee, I was thinking, after she drank two cups of coffee like they were shots.

I said, "Thank you," and we were on our way home.

We skipped through the radio stations, and kept it on Kiss FM.

Apparently, they were having a 'meet and greet' thingy and you could call in to win two tickets.

I had to admit, I was well... Excited!

So, through out the past few days I did all the code words, and waited...

And waited....

And waited.....

The next thing I knew, I was talking to Craig Carson about the tickets, and where to pick them up at.

When I got the tickets, I held them close to my heart.

Then I said,

"Finally," in a whisperish voice.


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