Chapter 2

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A/N My next DiNozzo's men story will be Tony/Theron Shan (Star Wars the Old Republic, you meet him in the 'Shadow of Revan expansion if you ever play lol'. I will post the first chapter of this, hopefully tonight, we will see.


Tony sat and sipped at the ridiculously expensive brandy. When they went to the hotel room, well suite they had just sat and talked. They covered a wide range of subjects, for two men who seemed to be so different, they just clicked.

"I'm not in the mood to struggle through an evening in the restaurant being interrupted every five minutes with someone wanting to talk to me." Nathan usually didn't mind the attention, but tonight he wanted this gorgeous man all to himself. "I don't think I'll be the only one who is popular after how charming and smart you were earlier. If I had my own kitchen, I would cook for you."

"You enjoy cooking too?" He ignored the comment about being popular not sure if it would be true.

"I find it relaxing; it also works with my strengths. There are some basic rules you need to follow for certain things, but there is also so much room for creativity and I do love to be creative." He eyed Tony's body.

"I guess with both have minds that think outside the box." Some of the things they could do together ran through his mind.

Nathan nodded in agreement; it was what made him the scientist he was. He managed to come up with ideas that no one else thought of, or he came up with solutions that no one would even consider. He reached over and grabbed the menu and passed it to Tony. He'd looked at it earlier and had seen what he wanted to eat. Once Tony had decided they called down and ordered.

After McGee's comments, he hadn't been looking forward to going to this, but meeting Nathan and the reaction he'd had from other agents and the organisers had been fantastic. He honestly that NCIS would be shown in a great light. The scientist wasn't what he expected either, there was arrogance, but how smart the other man wasn't shoved in Tony's face. He understood that there were different kinds of smarts, just like Gibbs had said. The look on McGeek would be hysterical if he knew about this.

"What are you thinking about?"

"My colleague, he worships you. McGee said he was going to work with you, but got accepted into NCIS. He's the one who thought I'd be an embarrassment, too stupid for you to talk to. Here we are, in your suite. When I arrived today this never even occurred to me."

"McGee? I don't recognise that name. There are only a few people I allow to work with me personally. He must be an idiot though if he can't see how talented, smart and gorgeous man you are."

"I think you'd give him nightmares if you asked him if I was attractive." Tony laughed.

"I.m glad where we ended up though." He reached over and took the drink from Tony's hand and placed both glasses on the table. Nathan wrapped a hand around the other man's neck, pulled him into a kiss and after he moved back and waited to see if this was what Tony wanted.

It was quickly answered by a kiss in reply, and just as it began to deepen there was a knock at the door. Nathan pulled away and chuckled.

"Room service." Tony was about to say ignore it when his stomach rumbled.

"Let's get you fed and then we can get back to us."

There was a quick nod in agreement; it was something he was definitely looking forward to.


McGee sat across from Ziva, he'd tried to get Abby to come, but she'd refused. He thought, she, of all people would understand where he was coming from, but that was apparently not the case. There was only one other person who he could talk to.

Different Kinds of Smarts Completed NCIS/Eureka DiNozzo/Nathan StarkWhere stories live. Discover now