Chapter 3

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A/N Thank you to my wonderful beta as always, who does an amazing job.



Tony walked in on Monday morning, early with a smile on his face and humming quietly to himself. Tim and Ziva just stared at him in confusion.

"DiNozzo." Gibbs greeted him with an amused look.

"Boss." He replied as he locked his gun away.

"Have a good weekend at the conference. I hope you didn't embarrass NCIS too much? We would not allow that kind of thing at Mossad." Ziva carried on her arrogance showing as she spoke.

"Good, you're here Agent DiNozzo," Vance spoke as he walked over. The Director nearly shook his head at the smirks on the two other agents' faces. It seems as if they would never learn.

"Good morning sir, do you need me for anything?" Tony knew that he hadn't done anything wrong, he hasn't even been around. Did something happen at the conference that made someone complain?

"No, I just wanted to say good job. I've received great feedback about you. Oh and have you mentioned that you're looking for somewhere else to work?"

Tony frowned. "No sir, why?"

"You're being headhunted then. It seems some agencies and private companies are putting feelers out to see if they can steal you away from NCIS. I've also had requests for you to do seminars, informal talks and for you to actually teach a course on investigational techniques."

"How did that happen? You weren't involved in any of the seminars there." McGee snapped.

Gibbs watched as he was interested in the answer as well, did Tony genuinely have no intention of leaving them?

He sighed. "I was at the conference and had gone through the welcome pack. There was an easy case in there for all the probies. I got talking of the attendees. I challenged him to solve it; investigation wasn't his area of expertise. When he couldn't solve it, I started to explain. Slowly others began to come over and listen. One of the organisers gave me permission to carry on. So I explained to them where they might have gone wrong, what things to look for, how to read a crime scene."

"How do you know how to teach?" Ziva asked this idiot could barely tie his shoes.

Tony laughed and looked over at Gibbs who also chuckled. "Who do you think helps train the probies? Gibbs doesn't and can't do it all on his own. It's part of what an SFA is."

"Well, you haven't taught me anything." McGee sniffed derisively.

"Yes, he has," Gibbs smirked as all eyes ended up on him. "You've just never realised what he was doing."

"I'll arrange a meeting for us," Vance added firstly so he could hopefully stop an argument and if he couldn't, it would happen after he left.

"Uh, why?" Tony felt as if he'd missed part of the conversation.

"About your future Agent DiNozzo." With that, the director turned and walked away.

Tony just stared not knowing what to say. McGee had always seemed to be the favourite with the man at the top of the NCIS pile.

"Atta boy." Gibbs grinned at his shell-shocked SFA. He hoped that the other two would start to see the other man different, but he wasn't holding his breath for that to happen.

Ziva turned and glared at her boss. He was supposed to head slap Tony, not praise him. "Gibbs."

"Leave it alone Ziva, DiNozzo deserves everything Vance can offer him. He should've moved on from my team years ago. I've been lucky he stuck with me."

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