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"How fucking dare you, you waste of space!" Derek screamed at me. I backed away but found myself in the corner, trapped.

"I'm sorry!" I meant to say, but it was barely audible. I covered my face with my arms, awaiting the blow.

"I'll fucking teach you to be sorry!" Derek screamed again, his fist connecting with my stomach causing me to lean over with pain.

"Please, I'm sorry!" I stammered, clutching my stomach with my arms.

"Stand up!" Derek screeched through his teeth, pulling me up by my brown hair which fell to my hips. I looked up from the ground only I see his furious face. "If you ever attempt to escape this house again, I swear you won't see another day, do you understand?" He spat. "Now go to your room until I say otherwise." I nodded obediently and quickly rushed to my room.

"Harriet!" a woman's voice screeched. My door flew open and Kim stormed in. "Get up." she said through her teeth. I stood, my knees shaking in fear, my teeth chattering. She came closer to me and I closed my eyes and gulped as she pushed a lock of my dirty hair out o my face. "Dear dear Harriet, tell me the rules of this house again." she said softly.

I opened my eyes and swallowed, hoping my voice would work. "Nothing belongs to me, meals are at 5:00, 12:00 and 6:00 every 3 days, TV is forbidden, never go into the kitchen, outside is forbidden, I can't go near windows..."

"Ahh, yes, the windows." she interrupted. "Tell me Harriet, why did you disobey? I know why. Do you want to know? Because your stupid, that's why. Your ugly, stupid and worthless." she said circling me. A single tear fell down my face, because I knew she was right. I am worthless. I am ugly, and fat, and a slut an every other word alike. Kim smiled a evil smile. "I don't want to see you for the rest of the night, tomorrow I want you up at 5:00am. I want the living room, our rooms and the den cleaned, polished and dusted, do you understand?"

I nodded.

"Good." Kim placed her hand across my cheek before slapping me to the floor, her nails tearing into the skin of my cheek. She bent down next to me lent to my ear and whispered "Don't ever disobey me again." And with that she walked out.

More tears fell to the floor as I heard her walking downstairs. Blood dropped from the cuts Kim had caused on my cheek. I crawled over to the 'bed' and grabbed a picture of my real family.

"I've got to get out of here." I said to myself, a tear slipping out of my eye and onto the photo. I stood abruptly and walked to my dresser, an idea flooding my mind. I glanced at the clock on my wall and smiled for the first time in forever. 11:05pm. I yanked open my dresser and pulled out my back pack and filled it with underwear, pants and a few t shirts. After pacing for a few minutes I looked at the clock again: 12:35am.

It was time.

I put my ear to the door, listening. Once I was sure Kim and Derek were asleep I opened my door. The hallway was as black as pitch and so I raised my hopes of Kim and Derek being asleep. I crept into the kitchen and grabbed a banana and an orange from the fruit bowl and stuck them in my bag. I left the kitchen and headed for the front door.

"What are you doing?!?" Derek's voice thundered from behind me causing me to nearly pass out from the fear. I pivoted around to see him at the foot of the stairs, with 2 crushed beer cans in his hands. "Come here you piece of shit!" he screeched, lunging towards me. Luckily I dodged him and made a run for the kitchen, desperately searching for a unlocked draw of which had a weapon I could use. None. I turned to make another run for the front door but Derek was blocking my path.

"How dare you try to run from me!" He bellowed, spit flying from his lip. I screamed and tried to run past but he grabbed my hair.

"Let go!" I screamed, turning and kicking him as hard in the shin as I could. He fell to the floor, releasing me and I opened the door, running from all the abuse, from all the pain.

The rain was pouring down, soaking me through to the bone. I was in the middle of no where with no where to go. My head was spinning from lack of oxygen from all the running. My hair was dripping wet and the rain was falling so hard it was hard to see. I felt my knees go weak as I fell to the floor, shivering violently. Slowly the world started to blacken around me, my mind begging for sleep. Finally I gave in, slipping into a deep sleep, in the pouring rain.

"Oh my god?! Are you alright love?" a British accent asked. But I couldn't reply. I was already asleep..

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