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"The kitchen is through there, there are the bunks, and the seating area is through that curtain." Louis said loudly, walking through the bus as he talked. I stood awkwardly in the middle of the bus, not knowing what to do.

"Hey, umm, Harriet?" I turned at the Irish voice, finding Niall in the kitchen pulling pans and random packets of food from the shelves. "You want some food?" He asked, I shook my head 'no'.
"You sure?" I heard another voice, turning to find Zayn. Again, I shook my head, this time meaning 'yes'.

"Harold Styles, there is a lady in the house! Get some clothes on for gods sake!" Liam said, making me jump from coming behind me.
"I was getting changed, jeez Liam." Harry said, standing in his boxers. I turned my gaze to the ground, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.

"Harriet," Zayn said, placing his hand on my shoulder. I instantly jumped back by instinct, causing his hand to fall down back to his side.

"Please don't touch me." I pleaded. He nodded, a shocked look on his face, as well as the others.

"I'm sorry." he said. I nodded, knowing I'd hurt his feelings flooding me with guilt. "Do you want some rest before the show?" He asked softly, his tone cautious. I turned and saw the other boys looking at our awkward conversation. I nodded, wanting to get away from their pitiful glances. Zayn nodded, and pulled away a curtain to reveal the 6 aligned bunk beds, each with their own red velvet curtain. "Pick which ever one you want, we don't mind." he said, closing the curtain behind me, muffling the voices in the other room.

I sighed, and picked the furthest bunk from the curtain. I placed my bag on the floor and hopped into bed, savouring the warmth the sheets gave me. I pulled my knees to my chest, and for the first time in years I let myself relax and fall into a deep slumber.

The Next Day

I awoke in a cold sweat, my heart pounding. I swung out of bed, and peeked into the living room area, seeing Louis and Liam in there, watching TV.

"Oh, hey! Sleep well?" Liam asked, smiling up at me. I smiled and nodded, once again admiring his very masculine handsome features.

"Do you ever talk?" Louis asked, receiving a elbow in the stomach from Liam. I frowned.
"I do, but I tend to never say things right, so I keep quiet." I said. he nodded, both of them had a look of deep thought on their features.

Just then Niall came walking in, four guys walking behind him. "Harriet, this is you new brother Dan, along with the rest of the band Sandy, Jon and Josh. They're our band!"

"Hello," I mumbled, looking at the ground.

"Alright boys, time for sound check." Paul called onto the bus. Niall laughed, the rest of the boys getting up and leaving me. Liam sighed, and stood up.
"Come on, you can stick with me." he said, I nodded.
Liam walked over and extended his hand, I threw my hands up over my face, instantly cringing away.

"Harriet, I'm not going to hurt you." Liam almost whispered. I lowered my hands, embarrassed by my actions.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly, not making eye contact with his beautiful brown eyes.

Liam nodded. " I promise, neither me or the boys will hurt you. I mean it." I frowned, not know what to say. "Come on, we gotta go," Liam said softly. I followed, allowing myself to be led down the hallways and onto a huge stage set up at one end of the gigantic stadium. People walked around, some with trolleys, some with cords and wires. Niall, Zayn, Louis and Harry were sat at the front of the stage, with a handful of girls.

"Liam ma lad, hurry! The girls are waiting!" Louis yelled whilst laughing and beckoning Liam closer. Liam ran over and plonked down next to Niall, picking up a microphone.

"Sorry I'm late, girls." He smiled widely, flashing his perfect white teeth.

"Now who has some questions for us?" Louis asked, getting a rush of yells from the girls. I shrank back, partially hiding from the crowd by a large black sheet hanging from the ceiling.

"Hey, you! Your not supposed to be up here!" A voice said from behind me, making me jump. I turned to be face to chest with a large man. Fear pulsed through my body, making me paralysed. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came. "Your coming with me." he said, after I didn't answer. He grabbed my arm and started pulling me down a set of steps, to where the girls were sitting. But instead of letting me go, he continued to pull me to the back of the stadium.

"Preston!" Zayn shouted, his voice magnified by the microphone. The man holding me stopped, and turned in the direction of which the boys were standing.

"What?" the man shouted back. I looked back at the boys to see them all standing, all of their attentions on Preston.

"She stays with us." Harry said. Preston groaned and let me go, stalking off. I dropped to my knees, relief flooding me.

"Here, let me help you." A voice said. I look up to see Liam, concern written all over his features. I nodded and let him pull me up. "Would you like to go back to the bus?" he asked.

"Yes please." I said, keeping my eyes to the floor.

"You want me to take you?" He asked. I nodded, peaking up to look at him.

"Lads!" He called to the boys, who had resumed their Q&A with the fans. "I'm going to take her back to the bus, I'll be back in a few!" he said, leading me down the hallways he had lead me down his morning.

"Liam?" I asked nervously.


"Thanks for helping me." I said quietly, as we walked to the bus.

"No problem." he said, giving me a reassuring smile. I nodded and stepped on the bus. "Harriet?" Liam said. I turned back around to face him. "Promise me you'll make yourself at home, really. Eat whatever you want, watch TV, really anything." He said, a smile on his face, but worry clouding his eyes.

"Ok, I promise." I said, smiling a small smile.

"Great. I'll see you in a few hours!" he turned, jogging away. I watched him go and my smile faded. The thought of being alone suddenly crashed my mind, and I quickly turned to make sure no one was behind me. I turned and ran into the bus, securely locking the door behind me.

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