The Boys.

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"The look so cute together!" I heard someone say.

"Shut up Niall." I heard a sleepy voice mumble from beneath me. I sat up in a flash, making my head spin. That and of course the lack of food. I was lying on a boys chest. He had dark, almost black hair and tattoos littering his arms.

"W-Where am I?" I asked. I looked around and I was surrounded by 5 boys, including the dark haired boy I was sleeping on.

"I found you lying in the rain, love. So me and Liam brought you to our tour bus thinking you needed a place to stay." The driver said. He had almost turquoise eyes and his brown hair was styled to a quiff.

"What's your name love?" A blonde haired boy asked, leaning forward in his seat.

"Harriet," I mumbled, leaning even further away from the dark haired one, my back pressing againest the window.

"Harriet," A brown haired boy whispered to himself, a smile crossing his beautiful face. He had piercing brown eyes and a short quiff. HOT.

"Well I'm sure you know who we are," The driver said, a smile playing on his lips.

I peeked at each of their faces, no of them ringing a bell. "I'm sorry, no." I cringed back, waiting for one of them to slap me.

"Well then," the beautiful boy said. "This is Louis, Harry, Niall, Zayn and I'm Liam." Liam said, first pointing to the driver, and then the boys in the back.

"Also known as One Direction!" Louis screamed proudly.

"Oh" I mumbled, relaxing slightly. "Oh, I'm sorry for earlier." I mumbled.

"For what? Sleeping?" Harry asked me, confusion written on his face.

I looked at the floor, not knowing what to say.

"Lads, oh and lass, we will be there in 20 minutes. Someone should wake Zayn up so he can fix his hair." Louis said teasingly, trying to break the tension in the bus.

"I'll do it," Niall volunteered leaning forward in his seat."Zayn, Zayn! Get up! Were almost there!" he said, patting his friends cheek.

"No." Zayn mumbled, blindly swatting at Harry, causing me to flinch on instinct.

"Zayyyyyynnnnn!" Niall dragged out his name in a whiney tone causing Harry to laugh.

"Alright, alright. I'm up, chill out!" Zayn murmered rubbing at his eyes.

"Okay lads and lass, were here!" Louis announced, a huge stadium coming into view.

"Umm, Lou, does Karan or Marco or Paul know about Harriet yet?" Liam asked.

"Nope!" Louis said in a playful tone.

"Well the paps will se her if we take her with us!" Zayn said, finally awake.

"She could pose as Dans sister!" Niall suggested.

"The fans will know shes not." Harry stated.

"Well, we could say that she lived with their dad and that her a Dan didn't have a good relationship, but due to 'unforseen circumstances' she has to now live with her brother." Niall suggested, using air quotation marks with his hands.

"Fine, text Dan to see if it's okay with him." Harry huffed in defeat. Immediately Liam and Niall were on their phones texting.

"Dan said it's fine with him" Liam said,

"Paul was confused at first, but in convinced him in the end." Niall said, slipping his phone back in his pocket. Louis pulled over and Liam took the seat opposite me and Louis took his spot in the passenger seat. Soon a big man wearing black opened the drivers door and sat in the seat. Before we set off again. I scrunched against the seat, trying to get as much distance from me Zayn and Liam as possible. Soon we pulled into a huge stadium and the screams of fans were heard outside.

"Just stick close to us and you will be fine, okay?" Liam said to me, smiling. "Just remember that Dan Richards is your brother and that you are here to visit for a while." I nodded and they all smiled.

"Okay lads, lets go." Harry said clapping his hands once. I took a deep breath and Zayn pulled open the door.

We were parked on a rectangle of grass surrounded by large walls covered in blue and white seats. People were everywhere. Everywhere I looked there were men lying down thick dark carpet on the grass to protect it. Tons more were rushing around carrying boxes and loading carts.

"Wow, this place is amazing." I gasped, my eyes bulging out their sockets.

"Wait till you see it tonight." Louis said looking around with me.

"What's happening tonight?" I asked, watching a tractor pull in on what seemed like half a stage. Niall raised his eyebrows in a mild look of surprise.

"We're in a band, remember?" He said as we began walking.

"One Direction, right?" I said, remembering.

"Right you are!" Harry exclaimed, smiling.

"Are you any good?" I asked before I thought. I instantly looked at my feet. "Sorry" I mumbled, I cringed back, awaiting somone to hit me.

"What do ya think boys, are we any good?" Louis asked, patting me on the back. Out of habit I flinched slightly, but the small action went unnoticed.

"Pretty alright, I'd say." Zayn smiled.

Just then a large man wearing black marched over to us. I partly hid behind Liam, I think, hoping to hide myself from the man.

"Alright boys. Marco and Simon are not pleased right now." He said sternly."What is the meaning of this? Who is she, and where did she come from? And don't even think about giving me that 'Dan's sister' bullshit." he said.

"We found her!" Louis said cheerily, a smile covering his face.

"Found her?" the man questioned.

"Yeah, she kinda showed up and we decided to keep her." Harry piped in.

"She can't stay."

"WHAT? Why?" The boys said simultaneously.

"Boys, this is your job. We have lots of venues and countries to go to, and she will only slow you down and distract you. Besides, her parents are probably worried sick about her." The man said sternly.

"I don't have any parents," I whispered, reciving looks of sorrow and sadness from the boys. The man just gave me a hard look.

"Well I'm sure you have a foster or adoptive family who are worried about-"

"Please!," I begged, coming from behind Liam and up to the man, my hands fisting his shirt. "Don't send me back! They'll kill me!" I gasped.

"Shhh, it's okay. Your not going anywhere" Liam whispered to me, pulling me away from the man and into his chest.

"Paul, she's coming with us." Zayn said, his tone showing no room for a argument. The man, Paul, huffed.

"Talk to Simon. I'm no longer part of this argument." Paul said, walking off.

"That went better than I thought it would!" Louis said jokingly, attempting to break the tension that was building. Each and everyone of the boys were gaping at me, making me want to disappear more than ever.

"Come on, lets go to the bus. I need a nap." Harry said breaking the awkward atmostphere. He and the other boys started walking towards a field.

"Come on, Harriet, let us show you your new home," Louis said quietly. I nodded and pulled myself out of Liam's strong grasp.

"Right this way, love," Liam whispered, guiding me along a field to a huge bus.

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