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The bowers gang eventually met up with the losers club finding Mike and tried to shove his face in lamb guts while Patrick watched unamused, there wasn't any blood, just some kid getting his face shoved in lamb guts.

Henry stopped at the sudden rock slamming against his head and in entered the losers who told Henry to pick on somebody else.

especially with Henry making a crack at Beverly Marsh, a beautiful redhead with freckles plastered on her nose, by calling her a whore saying that,

"You losers are trying too hard, she'll do you.. you just have to ask nicely..Like I did." He proceeded with both hands grab himself and trust against the air, making the losers disgusted but Patrick amused at the fact Henry tried to pretend to be turned on by acting straight and slightly turned on.

Ben the chubby child of the group let out a banshee screech at someone disrespecting Beverly, a gorgeous girl with such a false accusation and thre a rock at Henry hitting him dead center forehead letting him stumble to Belch and Vic with Patrick behind him.

The rest of the losers proceeded to throw rocks at the Bowers gang to which Tozier let out a loud cry,

"ROCK WAR!" Then Belch threw a stone that landed dead center of his face being knock down on his ass.

As the gang and losers fought with rocks Patrick slipped off again like he usually does when his creatures acted stupid and proceeded to lean against a tree and pulled out his book continuing to read from where he left off,

"There isn't anyone to help you. Only me. And I'm the Beast. . . . Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! . . . You knew, didn't you? I'm part of you? Close, close, close! I'm the reason why it's no go? Why things are the way they are?"(Golding 128).

But Patrick's reading of the book was interrupted by the sounds of leaves crunching of Vic and Belch leaving which caused Patrick to close his book and Trashmouth tozier saying something to Henry,

"why don't you go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole?!" That made Patrick walk back to where Henry was alone and he sighed softly and wrapped his arms around Henry softly as to not scare him and Henry put his head in his knees, hiding his shattered prideful ego at Tozier's statement.

"You wanna stay at my place for a couple of days?" He cooed softy with no intention of fucking Henry, instead wanting to console him and let him get away from his toxic father for a few days to which Henry nodded his head up and down, symbolizing he said yes.

Patrick slowly got him up from the rough floor and wrapped his arm around Henry's shoulders rubbing his thumb gently on his bicep and guided them to his house from there.

"Hey Patrick?" Henry wanted to ask a question about him and Patrick mumbled a soft 'yeah' and Henry was curious to know so he asked,

"Why don't you take your pills?" The question made Patrick stiffen and he sighed softly and he explained his reasoning,

"I don't need silly human medicine, a god like me is above that." Henry was stunned, Patrick's more nuttier that squirrel shit without even knowing it and Henry wanted to see what Patrick was like once on his medication, seeing if he still was the pyromaniac he grew up with and used himself as a crutch of advantage against his godly friend.

"Can you take it this time? For me at least?" Henry's statement made Patrick freeze on the spot and stopped in front of his house.

"Oh yeah what do I get in return?" Patrick smirked sinisterly making even Henry uncomfortable but he huffed out a sigh and named a price he knew Patrick would want to hear,

"I'll sleep in the same bed as you for my entire stay." Henry crossed his arms giving up the last of his dignity and Patrick smiled, making himself look as if he murdered someone and got away with it.

Then Patrick looked down and back up at Henry, watching Patrick think it through and gave Henry a nod of yes and proceeded to unlock the door to seal their deal of making Patrick swallow his pills for his mental issues and Henry had to just sleep in the same bed.

Both entered into the house and Patrick went to the fridge for two grape sodas and guided Henry upstairs to take his antipsychotics with Henry watching knowing that he completed his part of the deal and Henry would have to do the same.

The door of his room opened again and both stepped in, Charlotte not caring because it was only a person instead of three and turned herself around and glared at the wall.

Henry sat on the surprisingly soft cushion of his mattress and fluffy pale grey blankets while Patrick got the dusty pill bottle and gradually strolled back to Henry and sat down next to him.

Patrick opened the lid and shook the bottle until two pills landed in the palm of his hand, he then opened the grape soda and placed the white ovals on his slim long tongue that now supported a green tongue piercing.

He then drank the grape drink to drown the pills with much success and showed Henry his mouth to make sure he wasn't lying and shoved Henry down onto the bed having Henry scream profanities at him.

"Listen this shit use to make me tired and I feel drowsy so let's sleep, and I know you haven't slept in 2 days so just shut your trap." Patrick snuggled himself into Henry's chest and had his arms wrapped around his waist and Henry ha wrapped his muscular arms around Patrick's neck tangling his fingers in Patrick's soft tresses of onyx hair.

Both of them fell asleep in each other grasp and Henry hated to say it but he loved the warmth and comfort Patrick emitted from snuggling him and quickly fell asleep as Patrick did.

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