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Derry was a small town mostly filled with kids with parents who didn't care about their children and what they did. A classic example of this would be the Bowers gang who reigned terror strongly for over 3 years now, the bullies changed slowly over time,

Belch who was the most heavyset was pretty much the same, with his short temper and his brute strength but he lost a few pounds in the last 3 years but not that many maybe losing one or two from his weight of 190 and being the same height he held when he was 12, that being 6 ft and he with the rest of the Bowers discovered about themselves that they wouldn't admit to like how he loved the shorter bleach blonde male beside him named Vic.

Vic on the other hand was belch's opposite personality wise but, he was the shortest in the group and he just didn't want to associated in the group but he stayed only because of belch, being that belch wasn't crazy like the other two members of their group and those two were Patrick the pyromaniac and Henry the sadist.

Both males did have their own reasons for why they acted the way they did, Henry's was physical and verbal abuse from Butch Bowers ever since he could remember and making him work on the farm like a slave, similar to cinderella but there was no fairy god mother to save him from the 'step-mother'.

While Patrick's was of one of a different scale for he already had severe mental issues that his parents didn't help with by sexually and emotionally abusing him, making him slowly slip into insanity and the aloof monster he'd became and has been for almost 7 years.

Henry was 5'11 he wasn't the shortest in the group like Victor being 5'8 was but he wasn't the tallest like Patrick, he stood at 6'2 having 2 inches above belch, his hair a dusty sand blonde with blueish grey eyes that looked similar to a bright blue sky on a cloudy day, his attitude manipulated and ugly just like the scars that his mentally ill father gives to him, that nobody in derry cares about.

While, Patrick on the other hand was the tallest and changed drastically since he was 12, he lost extra weight that he had, grew his onyx hair longer and more masculine than he originally was but he still could be mistaken for a woman, with his lanky beanstalk frame, his eyes a glassy sea-green that lingered life and excitement that he usually got while he strangled cats, beating the shit out of someone till they bled or being around the Alpha of the group.

The four boys had their own issues with their parents, belch's father had died and his mother forgotten about and neglects him to the point where without the gang, he'd go insane from the loneliness and the same would of course be the result if they lost each other, but they'll never admit it.

While Victor had overbearing parents who cared about every single mistake he made and chided him about from not making his bed to grades and the way he brushed his teeth, they certainly didn't approve of his friends.

Henry was the victim of Butch bowers a ex military man who lost his mind and turned to alcohol after his wife left him after having enough of his abuse and Butch turned to his son for a punching bag instead of his wife while he screamed at him, insulting him calling him a pansy or faggot because he only had his friends and no one else.

Patrick was abused by his father, with his father touching him in place no one should ever touch a child and even going as far to make Patrick ignite the acts himself for his sick pedophilic pleasures like the sick man he was, while his mother would isolate him with his father by accident thinking that a local pervert was on the loose and when she found out she was forced to watch while she was tied to the leg of the table as her husband humiliated him during the acts calling him a whore and that he'll never be as good as her when it came to his pleasure while his mother would cry knowing that her husband was a monster.

That all changed when he turned 9 and was given a little brother Avery and he hated him, he was too far gone to the point where he missed the abuse of his father because then he would be paying attention to him, he was supposed to be their god, the one they worshipped with hateful words and harassment.

So Patrick flipped his little brother over on his back and smothered him until he died while he slept. It was later concealed by him what happened and determined as crib death and his fathers attention was back on Patrick, the broken toy that he was forced to ruin more.

Over the course of the almost 4 years the group spent together Patrick fell in love surprisingly, with Henry, the one person who he thought wasn't a illusion from not taking the drugs his parents tried force feed him and he felt real to him into his unmediated mind.

But Henry bring brought up as homophobic and extremely racist and rude towards anyone who crosses his path held disgust at Patrick for having his world flipped over, remembering that Patrick showed his feelings through a sexual act, because he knew how much his father loved it and wanted to show it to Henry when he was 13 and Patrick himself was 12 in the junkyard which earned him a broken and very bloody nose curtsy of the leader himself.

Patrick loved it having found out he turned into a masochist at the pain, feeling important and rather enjoyed it as he started to love the abuse when he turned 7, two years after it started.

His feelings never changed for Henry but because of that moment Henry started questioning himself, wondering if he was a homosexual due to enjoying Patrick's smooth delicate hands that brought them both to pleasure.

But now all four boys were now entangled in their own issues they barely paid attention to the losers which were three to four younger than them.

The losers had their own issues especially with defeating the clown, the evil entity, who was just now coming awake form it's long rest.


This chapter probably sucks but I tried.. ~(^з^)-☆

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