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"Why the fuck were you up there?" Henry quickly got angry that Patrick decided to leave the trio in his living room and Patrick responded with,

"I wanted to check on Charlotte." Henry shivered gradually because he knew Charlotte was Patrick's pet tarantula he had found in the woods two years ago, when he was 14.

Patrick kept her well fed surprisingly with the flies within his pencil case that started to overflow and with the sticky fly traps he put near his special fridge.

Henry also started to think how Patrick was similar to a spider, the lean limbs, the killer of bugs, the techniques of web making and trapping their pray, waiting patiently to devour it whole.

Patrick sat on the arm of the dusty brown leather recliner Henry was sitting in causing a glare and a eyebrow raise from Henry himself and Patrick knew he had to play his cards right otherwise Henry would kick Patrick out of the gang for being a pansy fag, but Patrick knew better beneath his racist, misogynistic and his gay hatred was a mask for butch to protect himself but Henry somewhat believed some of them so he did act out some of it with ease.

Belch and Vic didn't know that Henry wore a semi-mask that molded into some of his personality of hatred towards everyone around him, but Patrick knew that even though he was gay since the day he was 7, Henry wouldn't dare hurt him because Henry had bubbling twisty feelings towards the pyro.

"So Patrick...what's your room like?" Vic innocently asked Patrick to which he got up and motioned for the three to follow him because it's nothing intriguing except his drawings and his 2 pencil cases he was able to fill along with his infamous green ruler.

Henry was very curious about Patrick's room since he's seen everyone else's and apparently everyone had a better room than he did because he shared a room with Butch.

He was envious of how everyone else have not been forced to share a room with their parents like they're six but he was shocked the fact Patrick had the most intriguing room.

The room was a inch or two smaller than a master bedroom with pictures lining the walls along with gentle white Christmas lights, the pictures were of themselves especially when they were younger around 9 or 10.

His bed had a sketchbook on it with a small trashcan next to it which was near the dresser that had a hamster cage with a 5 inch long tarantula focusing it's 8 dead Beady eyes that glistened with malice on the three who entered it's mother's territory.

The three who instantly got creeped out by the spiders gaze focused on the drawings by Patrick's bed which were sketches of randomness but they had a dark eeriness to them like the one that they were looking at, it was of a girl laying on her side in her bra and underwear as she weld a knife in her weak grasp as her intestines hang out of her, her eyes were closed like she was already parted from life, the words 'It's sad to know I'm done' written above her body, the drawing was overall depressing, making the boys think that Patrick was poetically deeper than them.

Henry turned and noticed besides the fact that Patrick was playing with his spider digging through his infamous pencil case to feed his precious Charlotte was the book shelf filled with gothic literature like Poe's the Raven, banned books such as catcher in the rye, to kill a mockingbird, the color purple and multiple dictionaries along with black magic books.

So Patrick wasn't as dumb as he suspected but he already knew Patrick was secretly intelligent but he let Vic take that place of the smartest of the gang despite the fact of Vic had morals and Patrick didn't making him the more sensitive one.

Everyone found that they could talk to Vic about their emotional problems and he wouldn't judge and the only person who hadn't done that not once was Patrick.

But Vic saw something on Patrick's vanity and that was his dusty unused bottle of pills.

He nudged belch and Henry who happened to be back by Patrick's bed while the maniac was focused on the spider that sat on the top of his tussled mane and Vic pointed out the bottle to which they were shocked at the fact that Patrick had never used the medication and probably HAD to take it, Henry was  told at least according to his mother before she had killed his father and then herself with her husbands pistol because Henry and Patrick used to hangout a lot and were considered best friends before his mother went berserk.

Belch nodded and wanted to keep looking at the gothic photos that Patrick created with his sick mind, especially the one that had a girl leaning over a counter looking up while there were arrows in her heart that spewed roses, her hair was wild and wavy as a ocean but her eyes were white and dead in expression.

"So you guys wanna go to back to the living room?" Patrick put Charlotte back in her cage and closed it turning to face all of them, wanting to do something that isn't in his room, at least with Belch and Vic around.

The three nodded towards him and Henry couldn't keep his eyes off the pills that made Patrick sane,

'so that's what makes Patrick batshit crazy' Henry had thought to himself and turned towards his still kinda best friend for the two had a bond that made one fall in love.

The three followed their psychotic friend back to his living room and Patrick without anyone noticing grabbed his favorite book, Lord Of The Flies written by William Goulding that was right next to his copy of Lolita and stuffed the book into his flannel hoping nobody would see it.

Once the four were there, Henry decided to go bother the losers and Patrick didn't want to bother them, at least not today, he would rather read but, Belch was told that the losers were last spotted at the barrens.

All four got in the Trans am to hopefully catch them off guard because the last time was when they were saving a boy from Henry's wrath while Patrick had nothing against people of race so he just wandered off and read Macbeth.

He remembered the day that the new kid Ben had passed through and Henry carved the first letter of his name in before the boy fought back and after Henry had sent them off he was angry at Henry for hitting him in the crotch when he tried to kiss Henry on the cheek, so he smirked and sat down not to far away from Henry and read the heart in exile, his personal favorite book besides lord of the flies, not bothering to find Ben, making it Henry's punishment for rejecting him.

Patrick only bullied using homosexual slang terms while playing monkey in the middle with their stuff because he himself was insecure about revealing his sexuality which Henry put down so much and get the same treatment as the losers from the man who he loved so dearly.

He also loved to threaten people with his makeshift flamethrower of hairspray and his lighter, seeing the fear in their eyes while Henry made them bleed and beg for mercy.

With the roar of a engine they were off to haunt the losers one more time.


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