The Mutant Whisper

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Ch.1: The Mutant Thing

Liz Walker is 17 and she is a Junior at Western Oak High. Liz has Bright red hair and Shining blue eyes. She doesn't have a boyfriend, but she wishes for one.Liz is fairly attractive, but thats only when she adds makeup and takes advice for what clothes to wear from her friends. By friends, I mean friend. And by that friend, I mean Jenna Parks. Liz and Jenna do everything together. But soon, thier love and trust will be tested.

Liz wakes up to a foggy, gray day. A light drizzle hits her windows. " Great, another horrible day." she groans while rubbing her eyes. She slowly rolls out of bed and slips on her pink bunny slippers. Right as she puts her hand on the door knob, she noticed that her parents were having a talk. usually when Liz wakes up, her parents are still sleeping and snoring in bed. She listens quietly by putting her ear to her door. " Honey, have you heard what was on the news? about that, that Weird Thing happening in Africa?" Liz's dad suspiciously said. " Yeah, how millions to billions of people just randomly disappear in their houses, which have blood and tears everywhere?" her mom said. her dad walked closer to Liz's door as she hurrily jumped into her bed. " I think she should stay home. I heard yesterday the neighbors dog vanished. We have to be protective of our one and only daughter." " sure thing," her mom assured,"but we cant keep her home forever."

Liz quickly turned over to face the wall to act like she was asleep. her parents walked in. She could almost feel her parents staring and smiling at her back. As soon as her parents walked out of her room, she grabbed her neon orange phone on her dresser and decided to call Jenna. Finally, Jen answers with a big moan. "what......?" Liz could feel a smile forming. " I get to stay home from school today." Liz had to let out a little yip. " No Way! Same!" Jen yelled. I shush at her to tell her to keep quite. " Why are you staying home?" Jen questioned. " Well, because of the neighbors dog vanishing and this Odd thing in Africa. Something about blood all over and tears in the furniture." " Weird. Hey, Im coming over. Ill be bored to death. Bye!!!!"  "No! Jen-" Jen had already hung up. All I wanted to say is that i dont want her going out into the streets because she could disapear like the neighbors dog. I chuckle at Jennas stubborness.

I decide to lie back down on my bed to stare at the cieling. I put my phone under my pillow. What seemed like forever I got a call. Was it Jen? Was she in danger? I reach for my phone under my pillow. the time is 9:27A.M. " Dang. Its been an hour and twenty minutes!" I answer the call egearly. " Hello?"

" LIZ! OH MY GOD! HELP!!!!!!!!' her booming voice fills my room. " What's wrong? And whats that moaning and growling in the background?" I think about the thing in Africa, and about all the blood. Is it possible for that, that Disease Thing to spread so quickly? " AHHH!!!!! GET AWAY FROM ME MUTANT THINGS!!!!! AHHHHHHhhhhhhhh..........." Jen's voice died off. All you hear is a dragging sound along with mumbles and hisses. Mutant Things? i questioned myself. Is Jen okay? I think about the phone call. Is jen just playing a game? And then I remember. The Window!!!

  I peer through the window.  " What The Hell??" I shout. My mouth falls open. My hair on my back is standing up and my blood is frozen stiff. There was Mutant Eyes staring right at me.

Taylor Cole: hey guys, this is my first story. Its not fully completed, though. Maybe if I get 5 Fans or Votes I'll continue. Thanks Readers!

[ Dont forget to check out @XxIndigoVioletxX!!!

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