Ch.2: This Is How I Handle Things

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Ch.2: This Is How I Handle Things

I scream. I don't have any weapons. I try to think things through. I stand stiff, still looking into the eyes of a Mutant. I look harder into to the eyes. "Jen-Jenna?" I say shakily. The Mutant Thing runs off. I close the drapes, wondering what to do next. I need a Weapon.

I open my door. I could not believe what I saw. Two Large, Hairy Mutant Things in my house. My hand was over my mouth. They were hissing and growling. Both of them saw me. " Mom... Dad.....?" I say nervously. Both of them take small steps toward me. I look into to their eyes. I sense that they aren't so happy with me. I start to freak. I turn side to side to look for a weapon. the only thing i could find was an Umbrella.

I reach for the Umbrella. "Stay Back!" I scream. Their hissing got louder. I start pointing the Umbrella at them. " Don't come any closer!" My words don't stop them. In fact, the become more irritated. I tighten my grip around the Umbrella. I start to hold it like a baseball bat. My heat pounds heavily in my head. all they have to do is pounce and bite me and my life will turn dark, large, and hairy.

It  all became silent, until one of The Mutants pounced. I jab the Umbrella into The Mutant's chest. It whimpers and backs off. " Who's next? " I scream. I actually made The Mutant bleed. The blood was a greenish yellowish colour. " Ewww.... " I say to myself. The Mutant that was hurt seemed to back off behind the other. This Mutants' eyes were filled with fury. I thought my life would end here.

When It pounced, my life flashed before my eyes. When i decided to open my eyes slowly, i was in disbelief. Both of the Mutants were bleeding. One had a large cut down It's arm, and the other had a big gash in It's chest.

I couldn't believe i actually fought them off. Both of Them whimpered and ran out of the house. I could FINALLY find a Real Weapon.

I run to the attic. That's where my dad keeps all of his guns. The word 'Gun' ran through my mind. Do I want a Sniper, ShotGun, Machine Gun, or a Sub Machine Gun? First, I need to figure out how to even use a Real Gun. I grabbed an Uzi. I turn it over this way and that to figure how to use it. I finally found out. I shot the bullets into the wall. " Pretty good gun," I said, " But I need a more, Effective Gun." I decide to use the Uzi for a Secondary. I start to look for the Shot Guns. I found a SPAZ 12. " Nice......" I did the same thing with the Uzi, looking for some answers on how to use it. I finally figured out when I accidentally shot the bullets on my foot. "SHIIIIIII-----" I scream. Great, now I'm Mutant bait.

I hurry up and wrap a towel around my foot. My blood soaked it so fast, that I decided to wrap another one around. " This Gun is pretty good." I say. I'll use this for my Main Weapon. I grab some ammo and stuff them in my pockets. Where else should I put them? Then, I saw it- a vest. I put the vest around me. " Not bad..... Not bad at all.... " i said happily. I stick the Uzi in the back gun pocket, and  I put the ammo in a belt that crosses my chest. i decided to hold the Shot Gun.

Next thing I needed was medicine. I race downstairs to my Mother's old medicine cabinet. I grab some Pain Pills and other useful Medicines. I grab cotton balls with Peroxide and some more towels. These would come in handy when I get an injury, like my foot. I stuff all the medicines in th mini pockets in front.

" This is it, " I say. I walk slowly to my front door. Holding my SPAZ in my Right hand I put my left hand on the door knob. I could already hear the mumbling and growling. I gulped. I slowly turned the door knob and flung the door open.

Millions of Mutants were outside. They all turned and look at me. The hissing noises grew. All at once, They all started running to me, with fury in their eyes.

I pulled my Shot Gun out. I pulled the barrel. I was ready to murder all these Mutants.

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