A sharp

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John's POV.

as (y/n) left the bakery, you could almost, feel her saltyness


Jane just stared at you for a moment with a smug look

"Whaaaat" you whined

"John, of all the girls in your school you chose to crush on, you just had to choose one who will probably be the hardest to get ever." she said," like, she's super independent okay. You better never tell her what to do, and treat her like a queen" she emphasized

"WE ARENT EVEN DATING!!! We are NOT a thing and never will be! There isn't even an us because she doesn't respond to flirting, when I'm nice to her she is mean to me, and when I'm angry she's nice?? She's so confusing! And it makes me so mad because she's so damn cute Jane but I always feel like she hates me! She looks at me sometimes and that seems to be the only time she's calm other than when she's playing her violin and she's almost like a goddess when she plays, she's good at like everything  and I swear to you when she smiles it brightens up the entire room." You said pouring out your emotions and sitting down stressed out

Jane rubbed her hand on your back a bit,"aw, John don't be sad. I'm sure she has some feelings for you too. You're cute, what girl wouldn't like you?" she said trying to cheer you up, which kinda worked

You grinned unwillingly,"Jane shut up, I'm not cute!" you blushed

"Yes you are! I have faith in you John, now the worst thing you could do to a girl is keep her waiting, so you had better get going" Jane said pulling you up, you standing taller than her which wasn't new to you, as it had been about 5 years of this already

She pushed you toward the entrance, "go to her!!" she said

"Okay! okay! Goodness" you said leaving and looking around for (y/n) and finding her sitting on the ground

Wow you felt like an awful person

You walked over to her as she quickly clenched her fists and grabbed two bags

You squatted down beside her and grabbed a bag, but then noticed her suck in through her teeth,"hey, are you okay?" you asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine hahah" she said in attempt to convince you, it was rather weird, but you didn't question it.

She stood up and so did you, you both began to walk

Your eyes glanced over to her looking down at the ground, basically anywhere but at your face, though you soon started to feel bad that she was carrying two bags

"Hey I can carry one of those for you if you want.." you offered

"No, I'm fine and I'm fully able to do things on my own! Jeez I'm not done helpless damsel in distress so would you and your family stop treating me like one!!" she yelled at you, you widening your eyes when she mentioned your family

She doesn't even know about half of your family.

"Okay well I'm just trying to be nice, you if you would stop trying to do everything by yourself and having a stick up your ass then maybe youd understand what you just said right now, and all that was wrong about it" You barked back

"EXCUSE ME FOR BEING INDEPENDENT! Now I bet your mom never taught you about respecting people, but PERHAPS you should try it out dimwit!!" she yelled back

Mom...mom...mom...echoed through your head as it filled with rage


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