4] not exactly a 'gift', but more like it was mine.

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"I meant, let's go get you new clothes!"

"Oh.. Okay. Where's your credit card?" The boy shifted his position looking at you.

"What do you mean?!"

He exhaled loudly, "You spilt food onto my clothes that I payed for with MY own money, so be my guest. Tsk."

You tilt your head, still trying to figure out what he means.

"You are so dumb I swear. What I mean is let's go to the mall and be my guest to finding me something that YOU will be paying for! How else would you be repaying me with new clothes?"

"Oh.. Alright. I'll see you when classes are over for the day."



Whilst others still may be at the college, you were off for the day since classes were over. You didn't know where to meet the boy at, so you just waited in the school lobby.

Soon, a pair of shoes appeared in front of you.

"Boo." The boy answered with a husky voice.

"KYAHH!" You jumped in surprise and held your arms into fists ready to 'fight'.

You looked up and saw it was the boy.

"Stop embarrassing yourself, it'll put shame to this community."


You both went to the mall nearby the university and headed inside. You didn't really mind, though, since you needed to pick up a few things anyway.

The boy stopped, like, DEAD in his tracks and shamelessly pointed to a store.

You fake gasped, "Oh my god. Who knew you could be so emo?!"

The boy rolled his eyes and went in, leaving you behind. "Shut up. The rest of those stores are pink and shitty."

You speed walked trying to catch up to him. Buut, you accidently bumped into someone.

Looking up, was indeed a beautiful guy, but he's like in his 30's so lmao.

The beautiful man smirked, "Oh look. Who do we have here? A good girl, aren't you?"

He was right but you really hated being teased. "Um, yes."

"That makes it even better," The man licked his lip sEdUcTIveLy and you nearly threw up in his beautiful face.

And of course, you sense his emotions. He felt so in control thinking he would get a one night stand.

God no.

You couldn't fight, which sucked big time. The man was about to grab you but luckily, tough crowd. And it all was aiming towards that one emo store that you laughed at.

You ran into the crowd apologizing as you pushed and shoved people out of the way and made your way inside. You looked round and spotted the boy.

Running up to him, you were GASPING for air. Little bitch didn't bother to even look for you. He walked around the store looking for something he wanted.

And to be honest, you regretted making fun of the store. It literally could now be your favorite store!

"gOD! Are you done?!"

The boy turned and saw your dying body.

"Gee, wonder what could've happened."

You were too tired to notice his sarcastic comment, "rEALLY?! You actually CAR-" (A/N: Y/N sounds deadass drunk lol)

He cutted you off, "Dumbass no. Anyway, I want this. Go pay now, fag."

You groaned, looking at the line.

"Can't I just order this thing off its website?!"

"Sorry no can do. It's one of a kind, you'll never get it again sherlock."

'Pfft. Arrogant bitch.'

You lined up with the item in your hands and it turns out he wanted a necklace? It was fine. As long as it wasn't a jewelery store, you'd be OK. But if it was, say bye bye to money.

After a long wait, it was finally your turn to pay. The cashier scanned the tag thingy and told you the shocking price.

"186,287.50 Won ($175 US Dollars)."

Fucking hell.

You almost choked hearing the price for a NECKLACE in a STORE that looks CHEAP.

Yep, you were officially broke now. Still, you had to stay true to your word and bought it.


You went to the boy and saw him on his phone playing some game. You lazily threw the bag on his phone so he could have all eyes on that shit.


He looked at you surprised.

"You actually bought it?"

"I am trustworthy and loyal to everyone. Even people like you.."

It was a pretty necklace, so it didn't all go to waste.

The boy looked at the bag for a while before looking back at you. He grabbed the necklace from the bag and opened the small box. He took it and stood up. The boy walked closer to you and gently put the necklace around your neck.

"I wasn't exactly thinking you would buy it, so you should keep it. Forget about the incident earlier. Plus, the necklace looks good on you."

You blushd slightly but noticed something...

He wasn't smiling.

He showed no absolute emotion.

He still was broken.

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