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Oh fucking shit..

I go back to the room Sarah was in. She glances over to me

"Hey..are you okay?" She asks as I walk in. I shake my head.

"I think..I think I might be transgender." She turns to look at me

"You think?" She cocks her head to the side. I nod.

"Yeah...I dont like being called a girl. It makes me..almost like it puts me in pain." She gives me a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry hun..I didnt know you felt like that..." she says softly, I shug.

"I didn't know either..."

"Do you want me to tell Brendon?" She asks, to which I shake my head quickly.

"No no, I want to be the person to tell him. But..I dont want to do it so fast. I want to make sure this is what I want.." I explain. She nods again.

"I understand completely." She says.

~Time skip to when Brendon gets back~

Brendon walked in the door and flopped on the couch. "Yo Lydia, I'm back." He yelled. I walked in and sit next to him.

"How'd it go?" I ask, he smiles

"Really good! We are going on another date next week. I..I think I might ask him to marry me" I jump up in surprise

"Wait..really?" I ask and he nods.

"Hell yeah. I love him so much. And he's already going to be over often, im helping him learn bass." Brendon smiles. I jump up excitedly

"Holy shit holy shit holy shit!!" I exclaim happily. Brendon chuckles softly.

I might be getting another dad.

I squeal and run up the stairs, then back down them. "That is so awesome!!" I say cheerfully.

Brendon nods "I just hope he says yes.." he says a bit softer.

I offer a soft smile "I'm sure he will." Brendon nods again

"Youre right girly, I really shouldn't worry about it, I guess. The worst he could say is no.."

The worst he could say is no.

I just really wanted something published..

His Smile// Adopted By Brendon Urie 2 {{COMPLETE}}Where stories live. Discover now