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It had been 2 weeks since Shravan had extended his hand of friendship towards Suman. Shravan had properly introduced her to his girlfriend, but Suman didn't really like her a lot. During this time, Suman had started to understand Shravan properly. Being so close to Shravan had let Suman's feelings increase by infinite. Though, she never let her feelings over power her senses.  

Suman was due to go back in a week now, she had completed most of the designing and only the touch ups were left. Suman got over the incident and forgave Shravan completely. 

Today, Pushkar was due to come to London because he wanted to meet his darling brother and of course his soon to be Bhabhi. Shravan's behavior surprised Suman, she thought that he would have a huge grin on his face but Shravan stood restless as he paced around his cabin. 

Suman asked him many times as to what was wrong but all he did was shrug off the topic with a negative nod. Shravan had requested Suman if she could accompany him to the airport and she had agreed happily. 

Suman waited in her cabin as she waited for Shravan to come. The flight was going to land in a hour's time and they had enough time to pick him up.

" Lets go. ", Shravan said blankly as he entered her cabin.

" Sure ", Suman was very enthusiastic unlike him.

They sat in the car and had a silent ride towards the airport.
Shravan's silence irked Suman, he wasn't talking at all.

" Shravan ", Suman spoke softly.

" Shravan ", she called out to him When she didn't hear a response back.

" Shravan", she poked his shoulder to gain his attention.

" Can you stop? Can't you see that  I don't want to talk to you? Stop irritating me for God's sake. ", Shravan screamt at her loudly.

A blanket of sadness came over Suman, she turned her view to the window after mumbling a soft sorry.

Both did not exchange any words after their small fight till they reached the airport.

" Come on. Let's go ", Shravan got out of the car.

Suman just nodded and followed him to the arrivals section.

Not too long after, a jolly Pushkar came running towards the duo struggling to hold his suitcases.

" Hello Bhai , hello Bhabhi. ", He greeted them with a smile.

Suman was about to protest when Shravan immediately held her hand from beneath and gave a pleaded look. She looked at him and then at their intertwined hands and gave a slight nod.

" Pushkar never fails in his plans. ", He continued not even looking at their worried faces.

Shravan gave a short smile to him and spoke, " How much will you speak? The car is here. "

Suman followed the duo nervously as they both chatted.

Suman let Pushkar take the front seat and stared out of the window.

" Bhabhi, Pushkar paused which gave Suman time to send a glare towards Shravan, Bhai is very stupid don't you agree ? ", Suman surpressed a chuckle and nodded awkwardly.

" Come on. The reason why he left you at the altar was that he thought that he could not keep you happy. He had heard you telling Preeti about your love for him, he thought that he could not keep you happy enough. ", Pushkar explained and Suman was baffled.

She looked at him as her eyes became teary. Looking at her, his grip on the steering wheel tightened and the speed increased.

" What happened Bhabhi? ", Pushkar asked with a smile.

" Nothing , It is something that I didn't know. Just a little surprising you could say. ", Suman masked all her emotions well.

" I knew Bhai loved you a lot. He just failed to realize it. That's why I had to make a plan and bring you both together. ", Pushkar praised himself.

" We have reached my appartment. You can rest here for some time, Suman and I have some work at office. ", this was the first time that Shravan spoke.

" Sure Bhai. I know the way. Come early then we all can have some fun. ", Pushkar did not find anything suspicious.

Suman sighed and Pushkar got out of the car.

" We need to talk. It is very complicated. ", Shravan said as he drove to Suman's appartment.

Suman did not respond and played with her fingers nervously.

" He had known about her feelings for him all along. ", this line kept ringing in her head all along.

Tears rolled down her cheeks unknowingly which made Shravan's heart clench in pain.

" Please don't cry. ", He mumbled softly, this only made Suman wail louder.

He sighed and stopped the car. 

" Come in the front. ", He said softly.

Suman did not argue and came in the front. Shravan intervened his left hand with her hand and continued driving. 
She remained silent but gave a short smile at the gesture . Her eyes still very very teary.

It was after what felt like an eternity that they reached her appartment.
Shravan got down from the car and opened her door and carried her out.
" I can walk by myself. ", Suman said irritated as she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck.

" Shh. Rest for some time. We will talk later. Don't exert yourself. ", He cooed softly and carried her to her room. 

He covered with the blanket and left a small kiss on her forehead.

She closed her eyes and dozed of to sleep.

She closed her eyes and dozed of to sleep

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Authors Note.

Sorry for the short chapter, I am overseas right now so that's why.

Thanks a lot for those who voted for my books in the Telly awards.
If you think this book is worth It, do go and vote for it.

Lots of Love,


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