Part 3

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"It happened about fifty years ago, just a few years after the camp had opened. The legend goes that there is a creature, a remnant of dinosaurs that once ruled the oceans, that made its home in Greystone lake. The stone in the middle of the lake is said to be the entrance to its lair and that anyone who gets too close, will be dragged down and eaten by the creature. Well, a boy named Eddy Midgley decided he wanted to try to swim to the stone. Eddy told two of his cabin mates and this girl he liked and they all decided they were going to go try. Since the counselors don't allow any of the campers to swim that far in, they had decided that they were going to go in the middle of the night, after the counselors had gone to sleep. Well they all managed to sneak out without getting caught and they met up at the lake. They started swimming, and after about half an hour they made it to the stone. Feeling cocky, they decided to mock the creature by swimming around the stone. Well, this angered the creature, and while they were swimming it came up and grabbed Eddy by the leg, dragging him down into the darkness of the lake, never to be seen again. Eddy tried to fight back but it was no use, the creature was too strong. The others managed to climb up onto the rock before the creature could get them. They tried to look for him, calling his name over and over, but to no avail. Too scared to swim back they decided to spend the night on the stone, one person keeping eye on the lake at all time so the creature couldn't get them as it did Eddy. Finally, morning came, and the others were saved by some counselors in a boat. They explained what happened, but the counselors didn't believe them. For the next week, that lake was searched top to bottom but no matter how hard they looked, no one could find Eddy's body. They say that if you go to the lake at night you can still hear Eddy screaming, his ghost desperately fighting against the creature to escape from it's clutches. And from then on, swimming to the stone was forbidden, because they know. The counselors are not allowed to admit it but they know. Anyone who attempts to swim to the stone will be killed and eaten by the creature, their body never to be recovered."

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