Chapter Four

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Updated~ 1/26/2018

{Did I mention some characters were really ooc? Because they are and they are meant to be. Sorry not sorry, it's for plot purposes. I originally wrote this story when I was 16 *like 6 years ago* , give me a break. All I'm doing now is editing grammatical errors, changing a few things for plot relevance, and uploading it. ~ Also, this story doesn't really follow the Naruto story line seamlessly, it's been altered because I can and I did.}

[Word Count ~ 2,600]


The hotel door slammed harshly and Hinata was the only one of the group that didn't jump. She knew exactly whom it was and exactly why she would react that way. It seemed like everywhere Hinata went drama followed her, as well as stupid men to spout it. She looked up at Sasuke, who seemed not to care, and shook her head with disapproval. How could one person be so cold and inconsiderate? It wasn't like Karin's feelings were a secret or anything. If he wasn't fully aware of the situation then something had to be wrong with him.

"You need to talk to her.." Hinata spoke quietly with her head down. She wanted to say so much more, but she decided the less words the better. It was all she could do to keep from ripping his head off.

"Tch. I've got nothing for her. She'll be back later."

What a complete dick, and Sakura actually loved this guy?! Hinata felt physically sick to her stomach. "You owe her that much, at least."

"I don't owe her anything. It's not my fault she's completely nuts. I didn't give her any reason to think I'm the slightest bit romantically interested in her. How am I at fault? Tch."

"That may be so, but she has feelings and you hurt them with that tasteless joke."

"Joke? What joke?"

"Oh, whatever. Go ahead, act like you're better than everyone else. Pretend all you want, but you're not." He turned his back to her and walked toward his open bedroom door and stopped. "I don't see how anyone could fall in love with you. You're attitude is nasty and you keep everyone at arms length. I don't care if you are the last Uchiha, that doesn't make you any better than anyone in this room or Karin. She's a human and she has feelings and she deserves to be treated like a human at the very least." The anger was evident in her voice. Memories of her old self flooded her conscious and helped to put fuel behind her words. Deep down she empathized with Karin, as she was once completely crazy over one guy who didn't seem to even notice her very existence as well.

Sasuke peered at her over his shoulder, "So, we aren't going to wrestle it out?" Just when she thought he was going to respond with something insightful to his vainglorious attitude, he caused her to blow her top completely and storm out of the hotel slamming the door behind her. The nerve of that prick.

Suigetsu whistled as Sasuke closed the bedroom door behind him. He looked at Jugo and nodded, "Whoa, talk about that Uchiha charm. Real lady killer, am I right?" He wiggled his brows suggestively and Jugo took a step back, taken aback to say the very least. "Tch.. what is wrong with you? So weird.." He mumbled and walked to the kitchen.

Hinata found Karin sitting next to a random shrine outside of town. She was playing with a kunai and grumbling. "There you are.." Hinata stated calmly, "I've been looking for you."

"Oh yeah? What for?

"Wanted to check on you and see if you were okay after that stupid prank Sasuke pulled.."

"I don't think he was pranking.."

"God I hope you're wrong..." Hinata cleared her throat, "Anyway, I would turn something down like that anyway.."

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