Chapter Seven

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Updated~ 2/27/2018


It had been mentioned briefly that Sasuke was set on destroying the leaf village. Hinata vaguely recalled the conversation with Karin. It had been pushed to the very back of her conscious because she didn't see Naruto allowing that to go down.

Naruto was a lot of things but first and foremost he was the Leaf's protector. He wore that title proudly.

Hinata scoffed and rolled her eyes. She didn't feel like getting in on the heist, but if she was going to be staying with them it would be inevitable. A small part of her wanted to help protect the leaf, of course that would mean getting in Sasuke's way like he warned her not to. Hell, what did she care? She still had friends and family that lived in Konoha and she really didn't want to see it destroyed..

How could she pull something like that off though? Sasuke would be difficult to distract or stop to say the least. Not only that, but it was hard to say exactly what he went to the mountain for. It was full of questionable creatures, one being Kiba's father which he hadn't seen for nearly a decade. The thought of it still made her blood boil. She shook her head and sighed. No point in getting angry now.

The group had left the snowy terrain behind them nearly two weeks ago, and Hinata was thrilled. They were now thriving in shorts and tank-top weather.

Hinata wiped sweat from her brow and tied a shirt around her head like a turban to shield her from any sunburn. It would be just a few more miles before they would reach a small rest stop town.

"Can we please stay in the village for a few days, Sasuke?" Karin groaned.

"Hn." Suigetsu rolled his eyes as he trudged next to Karin, "You never stop complaining, do you Karin?" And so the argument ensued. Hinata felt as if her brain were boiling in its own juices. Oddly enough, Jugo didn't seem to be breaking that much of a sweat. She glanced over at his shirtless state. If Jugo were just a little more mentally stable he wouldn't be that bad of a bachelor. He definitely had the body for it.

Hinata straightened herself and averted her eyes to the front of the group. Sasuke was looking at her over his shoulder. He seemed a little more displeased than usual. "What?" She asked but he never answered.

Sooner than expected, they arrived in the small town of Iragawa. There was a small population of 440, but the streets were surprisingly buzzing with people who seemed to be in some sort of a hurry. There were fountains everywhere and swift streams flowing along the finely carved trenches on parallel sides of the streets. Water was everywhere...

"Suigetsu, Jugo, and Karin. Check us in at the hotel." Sasuke handed them a small bag and they headed off happily. Sasuke turned his head slightly and nodded for Hinata to follow him. She followed behind him silently, wondering where he was leading her to.


"You and I are going somewhere."

"What about Karin.. and the others?"

"We'll be back, Suigetsu will handle them for now.."

"I want to know where we are going or I'm not going." He sighed heavily and turned to face her, "We are going to infiltrate Konohagekure." Hinata blinked and stared at him dumbfounded, "Are you really that insane? We wont get anywhere near the border until at least nightfall.."

"And that's fine, we will infiltrate during the night. We get in and get out quickly." Hinata honestly couldn't believe what she was hearing. Did he really think it was that easy?? "Don't tell me you left Konoha without severing whatever ties you had?"

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