Chapter Nine

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"You're telling me you have to go back up the snowy mountain..without me and Karin? What if something happens to you guys? That trip will last at least 3 days.." Hinata looked up at Sasuke whom only shook his head at her, "We'll be fine." She sighed and placed her hands on her hips.

"Why are you so worried?" Sasuke arched a dark brow and peered down at her. 

"I-I'm not.."

"Sounds like worry to me." Suigetsu chimed in teasingly.

"Seriously though," Jugo interrupted, "It's you and Karin we are worried about..We don't like the idea of leaving you alone for three days.."

"Psh. We'll be fine, Jugo." Karin stated while crossing her arms pridefully. "No need to worry about us, big guy."

"I want the two of you to keep moving, instead of coming back down the mountain we will be going on over it and meeting you on the other side."

"Oh, right." Hinata nodded with no arguments. Karin arched a brow at her willingness to now smile at Sasuke, unlike before when he would so much as breathe in her direction and she would rip his arms off in a fit of rage. Sasuke looked down at her, his usual smirk gone. "If you run into any trouble avoid conflict and shake them if possible. Stay low and hidden, preferably. You understand?"

"Yeah." Hinata nodded, "Be cautious."

It wasn't long before the guys were off and headed toward the snowy terrain. " least we don't have to freeze our asses off, right?" Karin commented and nudged Hinata. "Yeah, but we should keep moving, like Sasuke said.."

", what happened between you two?"


"You just seem to be on ..friendlier..terms now.."

"Ah, well..we were up half the night talking."

"You actually got Sasuke to talk for half the night? He barely mumbles during the day.." Karin gave her a skeptical look as they headed into the forest. "What did you guys talk about anyway?"

(Italics = flashback)

"I watched you a lot, before I actually left home."

"Watched me? What do you mean?" Hinata tilted her head to the side and crossed her legs awkwardly as she sat in the center of the bed. Sasuke was casually leaned up against the headboard, attempting to explain himself.

"You asked me why not Sakura, so I'll tell you the truth. She's not you and she's not a Hyuga, but I wasn't really thinking about that at the time. I just..told her I didn't like her and I meant it, I never lied to her about that. I was too busy watching you chase Naruto around all the time. For once that idiot had something that I was, at the time, mildly interested in."

"You were interested in me?" Sasuke struggled to keep himself from snorting as he ran a hand through his hair, "Tch. Does it surprise you that much?"

"What about me...attracted you?" Hinata looked at him dumbfounded.

"Your...pale skin, probably, and uh, your short hair at the time.." She seemed to have a talent when it came to making Sasuke Uchiha look super awkward. "Is that all?" She leaned in closer as if on the edge of her seat, silently eating every minute of the conversation up. Sasuke looked over at her and arched a brow, "Should I paint you a picture. You were adorable, get over it."

"Hey..! I think I deserve this attention after what I've been through!" Hinata folded her arms over her chest and pushed her bottom lip out slightly.

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