[] Chapter 1 []

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Here we starting this story

Enjoy reading 😊

Chapter 1

"The Real essence of creativity"
( a department of antic pieces of arts in under Art For Art's Sake )

" Radhika,, You remember that Sanskar sengupta ? " -----a mid thirties man come with some files in the office room!!

" which Sanskar sengupta ¿¿¿aman ? ....one minute one minute!!! r u talking about that Old maniac?? 😒 who married a smallest girl who was 21 year younger than him!!!...... " Radhika his love of life who works with him on his office as a coowner!!!

" shut up radhu ,,,😕 he is a artist & a artist never been maniac, u silly girl 😉!!! " ---- he try to clam her by his words!!

" yeah, yeah!! whatever!  so what r they? worship or worship of Heavenly bodies 😡 ??? " ---- but Radhika is Radhika

" shut up Radhika??? " --- aman shouted,,,,,  " listen to me, clearly next Sunday we will go to his house! it's that clear? 😡"

" yeah,, sorry!!!"  ----- Radhika murmured!! because he knows how his anger is !!!


next Sunday

sanskar's studio were in 3rd floor .
This house is total 4th floor,,,in whole wall cover in rainbow 🌈 painting from inside ,,, if anyone see this house of outside they must be thinking this is a red house of a British !!! because is is fully covered by maroon red color!!!

in front of balcony, there is many types & verity of colors of orchid
aman never seen this type of house!! it's the rainy season & aman's eyes stuck of a place where  was plant three or four vigorous climbing jasmines along it!!!!

it's remind him her mom who live at manali who love jasmines
& where both r standing it's made by white marble floors!!!

besides the studio door a medium size fake pond aquarium where many molly fish including some guppies swordtails!!! 🐠🐠🐠


Radhika seen all this panicked & come over aman's ear & asked  ---- "it's a artist house or some underworld's Don's house ?"

" oh hoo radhu, here nothing to extraordinary!!! in nineties century how much he was opulence, he can buy more 3 house like this!!! hehe 😁 " ----- aman softly giggles

"You both come with me!!  sir is waiting for you!!" ---- Mr. mallik's affirmative voice come to them!!!


: art for art's sake :

companies idea comes from Radhika's mind & she shared it with aman & today both r here to collections some masterpiece of Sanskar's.....

Mr. mallik come with a wheelchair ♿ where a man of mid seventies settle all in simple kurta & pajamas  !!!

" this is the great artist Sanskar Sengupta who make uncounted masterpieces of art which is adorable to all the world ??? " --- aman thought in his mind!!! He existed to tell his wanting things to him which is his wish for to long!!! After some minutes of knowing well about he asked

" Halo sir, myself Aman sannal & she is Radhika Roy, my partner in Art_For_Art's _Sake & we really amazed of your art's !!! we both come to you for something we want for our India's art's sake which is launching about in month !!!" ---- aman's professional but polite voice come across to sanskar's ear & he looked at him kinky

" Halo young man & you pretty lady,,, yeah I get a invitation of that show but what r you both want from this old man ?  " ----  Sankara laugh at his state but talk like a professional person!!!

" Sir we want a masterpiece of yours for our launch " --------this time Radhika tell straightly

" But I leave artistry fifteen years before..... " ------- he wandered to their  requirements  " yeah, I can give you a artistry of mine but an old one!!  " ---_ he finished

To be continued............

Wandering why a best artist leave his work in middle of his life??? & why people called him manic??

Stay with this story u will get know each & everything 😁

Note 📝 : guys & girls if you r reading plz do vote atlast after if you feel like commenting plz do ☺

With love 😃


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