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He kept calling Laila... 1..2.. 4.. 10.. He called her 15 times but there was no response. Finally after 20 mins, Laila picked up her phone to call Arnav. As she picked up the phone, she saw there were 16 missed calls from Arnav. She immediately called him back.
Arnav picked the phone in the first ring.
"Hey, where are you? Why weren't you picking up my call? I was so worried? When will you reach?", Arnav shot a lot of questions together.
"Calm down, my phone was on silent so I didn't notice your calls. We were stuck in jam, just 2 mins away from the venue. Will be reaching any moment. See you", saying this she cut the phone.
Laila's phone ringed again. It was Arnav again. She picked it up.
"What happened, why did you cut my call?, he instantly asked.
"Coz I'm just about to reach", she said.
"So what? Don't hang up the call please! Keep talking!"
"Okay.. Okay..."
"Where have you reached? You were just 2 mins away!"
"Just some seconds honey. I'm almost there!"
"Wait, don't come inside. I'll come to receive you at the gate. I want you to enter the place holding my hands", saying this Arnav starting heading towards the main gate. As he reached there, he saw his car on the other side of the road.
"Come quickly, I can't resist anymore!", he said on the phone and disconnected it.
Seeing Arnav standing there, she stepped out of the car.
She was looking gorgeous in that outfit . Arnav saw her coming out of the car and couldn't take away his eyes from her. With his hand gestures, he portrayed, "You look Stunning!" He was continuously gazing her in that attire. Even she didn't want to take her eyes off him. As she was crossing the road still looking at him with love in her eyes, she didn't even notice a high speed car coming towards her. A split second later, the car ran over her. There was blood oozing out of her body. Arnav couldn't believe what he just saw. He rushed to her within no time. She was unconscious.

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