The Seven Pretty Males

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Authors Note: Hey everyone! I know, you want to read, but I have important news. For three weeks, I may or may not be able to update, and that is because I am busy. Please be understanding if I don't update for three weeks. I will desperately try to update though, and if I don't then I'm sorry.
Again, I am going to be very busy for three weeks straight, and I hope you guys understand that I may not be able to update.
Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

So... This chapter disappeared so I had to redo it... Which makes me really mad.
But I'm redoing it for you all!

As I made it back to the arcade, I aimlessly started walking around. I had no idea what arcade game I wanted to play. "Maybe I should try something new..." I thought as I started looking around the arcade. Soon I approached one of the arcade machine, a basketball one in fact. "I haven't played this in a long time..." I mumbled before taking out my tokens. As I was about to place the token in, "Hey!" a voice shouted. I turned to see a little boy along with a group of his friends standing there staring at me. "What kid?" I asked, "Girls aren't allowed to play this game!" The little boy stated. It seemed that the boy that was shouting was the "leader" of this group. I glared at the kid, "How come?" I asked wanting answers. "Because girls like you can't play these sort of games, you'll suck either way," the boy replied. With slight annoyance I placed the token into the arcade machine, while glaring at the boy. Soon I turned my attention to the game. The boys surround me, "Watch this, I bet she can't even make more than thirty hoops!" The little boy shouted. The other little boys nodded, but it seemed they wanted to see for themselves. "Challenge accepted," I mumbled as I waited for the balls to get released and roll to me. A sudden sound made the balls start rolling down as if they were on a hill. I quickly grabbed one basketball not wanting to waste time, and I started making shots. Swish, was the sound the basketballs made as they perfectly went into the net. I smiled, soon the hoop started moving side to side and I began to calculate.

~After awhile~

I had beaten the high score, the old high score was forty, but now the high score is, "Sixty eight?!". I turned to the little boy who had shouted the new high score, "She beat the high score?!" The boy asked unconvinced and I couldn't help but smirk. For some odd reason though, there was once again a crowd surrounding me, which was mostly males. "Whoa! She's so cool! Did you see how she made those hoops like nothing?!" A faint voice sounded from the back of the males. "No way! Is that Y/Y/N (Your YouTube Name)?!" A sudden voice shouted. Soon a guy pushed his way though the males and approached me. "I love your videos so much! Can I get a selfie and an autograph?!" The guy asked clearly happy and excited. "Sure," I replied with a smile. The guys quickly took a selfie and I signed the selfie with my autograph. The males that were surrounding me were glaring at me, "She's a YouTuber?!" half of the males suddenly yelled in unison. "She is, she's also quite famous as well," the guy from before replied. "What's her YouTube name?!" A male shouted clearly interested. "Y/Y/N," I replied, I watched as most of the males pulled out their phone in order to find my YouTube account, while others walked off not caring one bit. "Twenty million subscribers?!" One male shouted which made the crowd of males "Ohh". I felt my phone vibrating, knowing that they were subscribing to my channel.

~After about an hour later~

I have been currently walking around the arcade, trying and beating games that I've never played before. I had checked a few minutes ago on my video and saw that it was now up on my channel. Now I was aimlessly walking around, completely bored due to the fact that I bet ever game. Suddenly I noticed a figure, a familiar one. Without a further thought, I walked up to the figure and tapped on their shoulder. Seokjin turned around in shock, and smiled after noticing it was me. "Oh hey Y/N," Seokjin greeted with a warm smile and I gave a little nod in response. I had noticed that he was hanging out with six other figures, and they had turn around because Seokjin turned around. I had to admit that they looked like females, every single one of them. "Seokjin, who's this?" A rather sleepy looking guy asked, "Oh right, let me introduce you guys," Seokjin replied before heading to the sleepy guy. "This is Yoongi," Seokjin said, I stared at the guy, he looked very emotionless and it's like at any moment he could fall asleep. "This is Hoseok," Seokjin said moving to the next male, the male looked like a burst of happiness, he was uncontrollably bouncing up and down. Seokjin moved onto the next guy, "This is Namjoon," he was rather tall, I watched as he gave me a smile, this male has dimples. "This is Jimin," Seokjin moved onto the next male, all I saw was his shortness. Seokjin quickly made his way to the next male, "This is Taehyung," this male looked like he was an alien, he seemed so weird. "And this is Jungkook," Seokjin said finally making it to the last male, this guy seemed to have a playboy aura.

"Okay I think I got it," I stated. "Broad shoulders," I said while pointing at Seokjin, "Sleepy" I moved my finger to Yoongi, "Jovial" which was Hoseok, "Dimple face" I pointed at Namjoon, "Shorty" which was Jimin, "Alien" I moved my finger to Taehyung, "And playboy" which was Jungkook. The males stared at me before bursting it into laughter. "This is Y/N," Seokjin said while laughing, "Wait! Shouldn't we not be introducing ourselves?" Namjoon asked in realization. "Don't worry she isn't an ARMY," Seokjin answered. "Yes, I don't crawl on the ground while trying hide from enemies, nor do I want to sacrifice my life for this world. Also I don't want to be shooting a gun in a battle field," I replied thinking they were talking about an army person that is involved in war. "No not as in army in a war but ARMY, our fans," Seokjin said circling his hand to signal the males and him. "What...? Anyways Seokjin are you up for a challenge?" I asked making Seokjin grin. "Of course," was Seokjin's response, I quickly signaled Seokjin to follow me. And soon Seokjin and I were heading to a motorcycle game.

~To BTS~

BTS watched as Seokjin and Y/N walk off. "She's weird," Taehyung stated, "Speak for yourself," Jimin replied. "She seemed to not know about us..." Namjoon said crossing his arms, "That's rare". "We're a well known group, but that doesn't mean we'll be known by many," Yoongi stated and Namjoon nodded in agreement. "But even so... We are famous in Seoul," Namjoon said. Jungkook was standing there thinking, "What's on your mind?" Hoseok asked curious. "I think I've seen her somewhere... She seems slightly familiar," Jungkook replied making the members stare at him with confusion.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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