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~Hotel room~

"It's a shame, isn't it?" a female asked. "The undefeated Y/N was defeated today by these twins," a image appeared on the screen. I blankly stared at it. "I can't believe she actually lost though, I was so surprised. Their special power must have been really powerful." I quickly shut my laptop screen, "No... it just doesn't make any sense. I was at full health, and so was Seokjin. The special powers wasn't effective whatsoever, even if they did a combo. They were able to kill both Seokjin and I in a blink of an eye. It's highly impossible, but how come no one said anything about it? How come?" I thought before opening my laptop once more. "Hey princess, are you okay? You've been acting weird ever since we left," Seokjin asked, concerned. I shook my head. "It just doesn't add up. They're totally suspicious, I agree with you there," I said, quickly typing. "I think you're just overthinking it since you loss, and your crown was taken away from you. Sure, they were suspicious, but a loss is a loss," he replied. I looked over at him with flares bursting from my eyes. "Were you brainwashed all of a sudden? Don't you think how they killed us so easily, when we had full health, is a bit suspicious?" I asked. Seokjin looked at me, shocked at my sudden outburst. "I mean, even if they cheated, don't you think someone would have noticed by now?" he asked. "That's what I'm trying to see at the moment. There has to be a recording of us playing, and the actual screen that was showing the gameplay," I answered.

~After a while~

While Seokjin decided to rest for the celebration tonight, I was just scanning through everything. But finally, I was stumbled upon the footage that I was desperately looking for. I carefully watched on the screen that the audience normally watched from. That's where I caught it. I immediately went to look over at the other footage. "I know something was off, no wonder no one pointed it out," I mumbled. For the screen the audience was provided with, it showed that the twins were taking damage when they didn't on my screen. It also showed that the twins rapidly used their weapons, before officially using their special ability. While on my screen, they only used their special ability to kill Seokjin and I. "Someone hacked into the screen and did something. I don't know what, and I don't know how, but this won't be enough evidence," I quickly searched up information about the game. After a while, I found information that'll help me if I did get into any arguments. All I wanted to do was get my undefeated title back, since it was unrightfully stolen from me. I also wanted to show everyone that those twins cheated, because I never stood strong with cheaters; I always got them even after all my hard work (In short, she doesn't like bullies and she always wins against them). But people I disliked the most, were hackers. I dislike them so much that it could be considered hate. I quickly started shaking Seokjin to wake up. Oh how the tables have turned for him.

~At the stadium~

"Cheated?" the person asked, confused. I quickly allowed them to have a look at the footage I found, but they seemed rather unconvinced. "Okay, if you don't believe me, then I have some other information," I said, slightly annoyed. "A special ability only knocks the health point down by twenty five points. But if it was a combo, then it'll be fifty health points. That means, either my partner or I should have been at seventy five health points or fifty. The teammates can only target one person, so it wouldn't make sense for both my partner and I to be dead after one use. Plus the special ability is used once, and it'll need to be restored, meaning they'll need to wait. That makes absolutely no sense on how they killed me in a blink of an eye. I may be new to the game, but I bet you the creator of the game would agree," I explained. The person looked around at the other people, they seemed rather convinced by my conclusion. "But if that isn't good enough, there's also this recorded live footage for everything. The videos I showed you are the same to it," I added. It shocked me how much people would rather see me fall than rise. The live video clearly showed cheating, yet people kept their mouth shut. "Allow us to talk," the person said, signaling me to leave the room. I had more information to give them if they still didn't believe me, but I was happy to see I succeeded. Soon I was called back in.."We'll announce you as the winner, and we'll take care of the hackers later. It's our fault that we didn't look back through the footage, but thank you for providing that with us. After all, it's the first ever tournament we've held so there are some problems, and lessons we need to learn," the person bowed to show that they were sorry. "It's honestly okay. I just didn't want people thinking I lost so easily, when that team clearly cheated," I smiled.


"We would like to announce the actual winner of this tournament," a male quickly said into the microphone before the party officially started. "After some footage scanning, it seems that the twins have cheated. That means Y/T/N (Your Team Name) have won this tournament. I would like to thank everyone who participated in this first ever tournament held by us. We thank you for coming all this was to participate in this tournament," he said. I watched as the two twins were carried out by security guards, and they were shouting nonsense. "Can Y/N's team come up, and get their trophy?" the male asked. I quickly grabbed Seokjin's arm; I dragged him away from the food and onto stage. "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. Please forgive us for not looking back," the male gave an apologetic look. "It's okay, I'm just glad everything was resolved," I smiled, "I'm also happy to know that I've regained my title." A female handed me the trophy, and the entire room roared. "Can we take a photo?" the male asked, "You'll be put up in the hall of winners. It'll be nice to have the undefeated person for our first tournament." I smiled again, "Of course." The male quickly looked over to Seokjin. "By any chance, can you please take off your cap, and mask?" he asked both Seokjin and I. "He's camera shy," I said before lifting up my cap, and the male nodded with understanding.

~Hotel room~

"Y/N still happily, and proudly, holds the title 'undefeated,'" I smiled at the news that quickly spread. "You totally got a victory, not only for the tournament but everything else," Seokjin smiled. "I'm glad that everything turned out well," I mumbled before sinking into Seokjin's embrace.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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