Chapter 3

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It only needs a short time for you and Ryu to wash out all the awkwardness between the two of you and now it's just like it used to, like when the two of you were still six years old and would catch a stag beetle together.

And overall, the Tanakas presence was so much of a help. The unloading of the moving truck was passed without you realizing and the content of the boxes is almost in their right places. Even though you knew that family was a lively one, it still amazed you at how much energy they had.

Only when lunchtime came around did they look a little drained but it still can't stop them to act like a wildcat. It's a little overwhelming for you, but Frankly speaking, it was nice to have them around. It's been so long since you were surrounded by more than one person.

Lunch was already prepared by Aunt Miwa before they came over. It was what Ryu carried this morning inside the food container. For a mother who looked like a super easy-going person, you'd admit she was well-prepared.

"(Y/n)! you can't get stronger if you eat like a kitten" Aunt Miwa, Ryu's mother scolded you before she dumped more food into your plate.

"B-but—" you tried to protest but to no avail.

"No but," she said sternly. You complied and weakly walked to the old round dining table which was already in the house when you arrived. There are only two empty seats left, one was in between Saeko and her father, uncle Hiroshi and the other was between your father and Ryu. Of course, you took the one in between your father and Ryu, it was not an option for you.

Everyone was already digging into their plate once you seated yourself and it made sense now why Aunt Miwa would think your meal was made for a kitten. Now that you looked at her family, they all eat like a bear.

"Ryu..." you whispered to your left where the youngest Tanaka sit.

"whot?" he responded with a mouth stuffed with food.

"Help me..." you pleaded as your eyes glanced at your plate.

He chuckled while trying hard to not spill any food from his mouth, "sorry... you're on your own"

You make your lips quiver a little as you let out a whimpering sound like a puppy. You won't give up and it becomes a mini stare contest for a moment. He gives up in the end and took some of your food into his plate. You were hyped, but honestly, it was no surprise to you because you already know how to make the strong-headed Tanaka Ryunosuke give up. Just like trying to remember your old favorite song, it's just flowing out of your sense.

"Ryunosuke!" you and Ryu flinched when Aunt Miwa shrieked from behind the two of you.

"W-what?" he whipped his head around.

"I will cut your allowance if you don't put it back on her plate" She hissed as she put her hands on her hips angrily. Ryu reluctantly put the food back on your plate because he knows, it was useless to try to reason with his mother. Saeko already laughed and pestered him, saying that's not a man-like to back down on his word over some money. The said boy barked back to his sister and they started another sibling bickering.

After lunch, everybody continues to help to unbox, even though your father already told them that it's fine and they can go home and rest. But the words just flew through their head and they insisted they will help until everything is done.

"Where do I put this?" Ryu asked. You turn around to see him carried a big pink box and you already know where it belongs.

"My room..." you answered him as you pick up a smaller box that belongs to your room as well and lead him upstairs.

"Whoa... nice" he mumbled once both of you step into the room, his eyes are glued to the clear view of the mountainous area through the sliding door.

"I know right..." you smiled as you slide open the glass door. the breeze immediately blew into your room as soon as the door open. Ryu put down the box he carried and open it, about to unload it.

"Y-you don't have to do that!" you stammered.

"You sure?" he asked.

"It's fine, really" you assured him. what's inside it was kinda embarrassing and you don't really want him to know but the box was already opened and it drew his interest.

"What is it anyway?" he asked as his eyes skimmed inside the box which filled with a bunch of plain black photo albums with only a number written on the cover.

Oh well, guess it useless to hiding it now

"It's um... just... a silly hobby of my mom" you explained with a bitter laugh escaped from your lips. You then crouched down next to Ryu and took one of the albums that have the number six written on the cover.

"My mom, she really loved photography and take a lot of pictures, especially pictures of me" you begin to explain as you leaned back against your bed and Ryu followed your action, scooting closer to you. "She insisted to take pictures of every moment in my life, on every years, until at least I turned eighteen--all those numbers was to indicated my age"

You open a couple of pages while Ryu wait patiently besides you.

"Remember this?" you stopped at the page where there's a picture of six-years-old-you crying while your hand being held by a shaved head boy a little bit taller than you, he has a toothed grin on his face while his free hand holds out a beetle to the camera.

Ryu laughed and nodded "I remember that. You were crying after a beetle hopped to your face"

"And you save me from the beetle" You giggled.

"Of course I am, I will always protect you, remember?" he laughed dramatically while puffed up his chest, something he always does when he proud of himself ever since he was just a little kid. Seeing him remind you of the old day when he would say that every time you got scared almost to everything. And you were secretly happy to know that at least there's one thing in your life that doesn't change. 

Or someone to be precise.

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