What is love? What is so great about love?
Will you understand it someday? Will you find one for yourself?
Or will someone give it to you?
You don't know nor you care, but then he came and answer them for you.
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You sighed as you get up from your bed, grabbed your tote bag, and throw your phone as well as your wallet inside. After you slip on your jacket, you scurry out of your room. You heard the tv's on so you make your way to the living room. You found your father sitting on a couch and his eyes focus on the ground, not giving a damn about the TV.
there he goes again, Dad zombie mode
It's been months and he was still like that, lost in his own little world. Sometimes just stayed in his study room all day. He would bring his meal there and you found yourself eating alone a lot.
Your father is a writer, that was the reason you and him can move out of the town without too much thinking. You thought at least in his alone time he has some results. But there was one time when his publisher called the house phone and wanted to talk to you instead of him. They thought you could somehow help him to get him back to himself, although what you hear in your head is 'please make our money maker stop sulking'.
Of course, you tried, but not for the sake of others, for him. You can't bear to see the life in his eyes slowly slipping away. But in the end, every wound needs a different time to heal, no matter how good your intention was, you can't force it.
"Dad... " you called, making him jolt and turned to you.
"yea?" he responded.
"I'm going out with my friends, I probably, be back before dinner"
"Oh okay"
"Okay then, I'm leaving"
"Take care"
When you meet up with Ayame and Naoko at the café, you ended up not following the conversation. Staring blank once in a while and barely touching your food. The thought of how your father become, taking a lot of your attention. What all happened to him just makes you wonder if maybe it's not so great to love someone deeply.
"(Y/n)..." Ayame's voice broke your train of thought.
"Hmm?" you turned your attention to her.
"Is it okay with you?" she asked.
"Okay... with what?" you confused.
Ayame as well Naoko let out a long sigh, "We're going to the mall after this, is it okay with you?"
"Oh yeah, sure" you shrugged.
"What's wrong with you? did you miss Tanaka already?" Naoko Smirked.
"What? It has nothing to do with him" you are disgruntled.
"Are you sure?" she asked leisurely.
"Could you stop that," you grunted.
"Stop what?"
"What you always do... those whole Tanaka things"
"Why? Do you hate him?"
"Of course not"
"Then why not?"
"Because he doesn't like me in... that way, you're going to make it awkward" you grumbled.
"Well, do you like him?"
"What? god, don't you hear anything I just said?" you throw your hand in frustration.
"I'm just trying to help..." she shrugged
"There's nothing that needsw help"
"yes there is, someone needs to tell that you already fall for him, and so did he to you."
You paused while your heart picked up a beat, she softens her tone, "I just don't want you to realize it when it was too late"
You glanced at Ayame as if to ask her confirmation and she nodded to you, agreeing with everything Naoko has said.
You frowned as you rest your elbow on the table, and your head in your hand, "No one falling for anyone..."
Ayame chimed in carefully "hy don't you take a look at what kind of effect he had in his eyes every time you're around, and whatever you found in his eyes, you have that in you too."
"Well he shouldn't, no one should, it's just a waste of time, it will just become a pain in the end". you scoffed stubbornly as your mind flashes the images of your father sitting alone, lifeless.
Love is just a nuisance that will drag someone down