Flashback #1

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Walking through the streets of this new place mummy's calling home, we've spent the last few days putting our house together before mummy starts work and I have a nanny to watch me. I don't want one I want mummy! Mummy's taking us out for food which I'm excited for . We finish food and get ready for bed when mummy comes in and picks out a bedtime story, my favourite beauty and the beast. Waking up in the morning, mummy says we're spending most of the day together until she starts her work this afternoon. The time comes to quickly before I know it my Nannies here her name is Valeria. Mommy kisses me and says goodbye and goodnight as she won't be home till late but that Valeria would read me a bedtime story she's tells me too be good before going out the door. I don't like her she doesn't speak, I just sit on the settee playing with my belle doll. Valeria is banging around the kitchen I'm guessing she's making something for tea,not long later chicken Alfredo. I finish tea and take my plate to the kitchen and put it on the table like I do for mummy. I wonder when mummy's home it's raining outside and it's late, Valeria still has t read my story for bed , I go to ask her about it but she's asleep on the chair.

I thought maybe I could find mummy myself. I put on my welly boots that were by the front door and my raincoat and use my footstool to open the door. Walking around the corner clutching my belle doll I come face to face with a beautiful castle, and a Water fountain. They had seats around the edge so I sat on one there was not a person in sight and i had no idea where mummy actually worked. Whilst sitting there thinking about going home I realised I had forgotten the way now I was lost and wet and missing my mummy, I sank to my knees crying wishing I'd never left the house now then something tapped my shoulder "excuse me miss". There stood a man in a black cloak "you shouldn't be out here my child it's not safe " I didn't understand how could It not be safe when his voice alone was making me feel the safest I'd been since mommy left. I told him everything about mummy working to having a nanny who was asleep instead of looking after me like mummy said she was supposed to,.i just wanted my mummy. "Let's get you out of the cold and get you a hot drink" he asked" I'm not supposed to go with strangers, I just want mummy" I started sobbing. The man knelt on his knees took my small hand in his large one and pulled me towards the café, I could still see the fountain so maybe I could see mummy if she walked past. Interrupting my thoughts the man whose name I yet to know sets a cup in front of me and wipes my hair from my face, his skin was ice cold like colder than mine and I'd been sat in the rain. Looking up at the man I smiled and thanked him because manners don't cost anything as mummy says. My eyes only now connecting with his red ones. Red eyes never noticed them before .

They were such a beautiful colour like a vibrant fire engine . He asked about what princesses I liked , when the café door flung open a woman screaming her child was missing, the man I sat with stood up and approached her and pointed to me , when the woman looked I saw it was mummy . I got down from my seat as fast as I could and hugged her never wanted to lose my mummy again, but this strange feeling was that I didn't want to lose this man too but I didn't know why. Mummy excused herself to get a drink I thought about how I could thank this man for staying with me , I slid off my bracelet, it was a Disney bracelet I loved it very much, placing it in the mans hand I told him to keep it as a thank you for looking after me , he promised he'd take care of it for me if I took good care of something for him and he unhooked a chain from his neck and placed in on mine. He said" that necklace means a lot to me and if we are to meet again I'll know it's you my angel, that necklace will keep you safe, you must promise to always wear it and never take it off". Nodding my head I promised , the kind man walked me and mummy home, mummy insisted he come in until the rain held off , he agreed with a nod of his head. Kicking my boots off mummy put my coat up to dry , I ran as fast as I could to grab a book from my room and headed back to the living room where I sat next to kind man and asked he could read my book to me he did and that was the last thing I remember was a click of a camera . Waking up the man was gone , all I had left was the necklace he had given me and the photos , and I was going to keep my promise.

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