Ava awakens

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With Ava currently still unconscious in caius's room, Jane and Alec placed either side of the bed. Caius had unwillingly left to join his brothers in court regarding what was to happen to Sulpicia for attacking his Ava. It had been but a few hours in the castle since the attack but Ava's lack of presence put everybody in the down side. It was almost as if everyone had lost someone important .Caius thought he was still going to lose his mate, Alec and Jane thought they were to lose their mother,Marcus thought he was to lose his daughter figure although they didn't have that actual bond it's how Marcus looked at her, Aro felt responsible and most of all like he'd lost another sister. " Brothers let us convene regarding Sulpicia, then I shall send for another medical opinion if there is no change from our sweet Ava" Aro stated whilst sat on his throne. No one could begin to imagine what he was going through to judge and discuss whether his own wife should be punished by death and whether she'd go after Ava again" she needs to be punished Aro, rules are the rules even as queen she should uphold them to attack an innocent member of the coven is inexcusable, as much as I hate to say it brother it should be death I cannot think of another way to punish her suitably" Marcus had said. Now this statement shocked both Caius and Aro as Marcus was usually so opposed to using death as a ounishment he often referred to it as the ultimate punishment." Caius Ava is your mate what do you suggest??" Aro asked already guessing Caius' answer would be death for that's how Aro himself would react if he were to have a mate and her to be harmed." I'd say death is too easy brother and id like to have Ava's input , if I know Ava like I think I do she'd hate for her to die without learning her lesson,now just because I'm saying is rather her not die, I'm suggesting she's replaced in her tower, allowed to see Corin once a day, should she need to speak to one of us she could perhaps write a letter,give them to Corin who would give them to the named person,she's also to be fed on a blood bag and all luxuries acquired from us are suspended that way she still lives her immortal life,you still have a wife and no one was sentenced to death on Ava's behalf." " as much as it is to my dismay to treat my wife so cruelly I never thought she'd verbally attack two of our best guards and to physically attack the future queen. I do coherently apologise for her behaviour Caius and for you not wishing her death although k would have understood if you did, therefore I say we go ahead with your plan but should be put one step out of line concerning the guard or Ava I'll dispose of her myself." Aro promised. So that was that Sulpicia returned to her tower and the Kings returned to their paperwork after Felix had called for a different doctors opinion.suddenly the throne doors were thrown open.

Meanwhile in Caius' chambers Alec and Jane were impatiently waiting for their mother to awaken.just a simple sign,the flutter of an eyelid, move of a finger or a gasp in her breath anything was better than seeing their mother laying lifeless on the bed leaving the infamous witch twins remaining helpless. Together they both vowed that unless their mother was with a King they were to be by her side. She was never to be alone again. Whilst Jane and Alec were chatting to each other about what they can do to help Ava when she wakes, neither noticed that she had indeed opened her eyes. It was only then when they heard the rise in her heartbeat did they look. Both twins completely frozen at the fact their mother was awake. She was the strongest and bravest human they knew.although they wouldn't let on that they had heard her shouting at Sulpicia defending them. It made them adore her even more not that they thought it was possible. Not wanting word to get around that Ava had awaken Alec excused himself to get something light for Ava to eat whilst Jane helped her dress. Alec returned with biscuits and tea." So dear children how long was I out?" Ava laughed trying to break the ice only to gasp at the pain that shot up her rib cage. Jane and Alec were instantly on their feet, but Ava waved them off." I just need painkillers and no more laughing , no more doing much I suppose" ." I'll get them for you mother Felix has them he's in the throne room " Alec said before rising again only this time for Ava to hold her hand out in a stop motion." Alec will you relax, I know you've been stressed sweetie okay I'm not going anywhere without you, now how about we make a deal, I'll drink this tea and eat these biscuits, we can go get my pain medication from Felix grab a bottle of water from the kitchen and head outside or to the library with a book where you can take it in turns to read to me, does that sound okay , both of you?" Ava said with a smile. She couldnt take being stuck in one room anymore if she was to heal she'd have to continue as normal." I don't know mother I don't think you should be moving, your already in pain" Jane said." Look Jane sweetie I know you want what's best for me, but I refuse to cower away, i need tone moving besides its not as if I'm going alone and you two are going to be by my side each step of the way and I know you won't let anything happen to me okay ? Jane I promise if I start to feel worse we'll come straight back and you can fuss til your hearts content" Ava looked at Jane with a smile and big eyes knowing Jane couldn't say no after all there was logic in her reasoning. As promised Ava drank her tea and ate her biscuits, so with Jane and Alec at her side the three of the store towards the throne room, mother and children a force to be reckoned with.

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