Do broken hearts heal?

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Peace. What is Peace? the blissfull silence. One thing Ava missed was being able to sleep without a care in the world. Aro had an infatuation with the possibilities of vampire human - hybrid children.Ever since meeting Renesmee , Aro wanted to have a vampire human- hybrid of the volturi's own. Each male vampire was on edge about being chosen for such a high task. In the throne room in front of everybody in the volturi humans and vampires was where Aro announced who the hybrid was to be fathered by. Aro wanted the strongest and more fearless. Some one who wouldn't fail. For the job he chose none other than Caius. Ava had killed quite a few of the human staff that day. After all her and Caius had just married they still didn't have their honeymoon and here he was plotting with Aro about creating a hybrid from Caius himself.

Ava had locked herself in one of the guest rooms . The Cullens were due to arrive with the thing that caused all her problems. For once Ava was happy now she was broken. Caius didn't even consult with her before agreeing with Aro. What was she supposed to do sit and do absolutely nothing when she would be able to hear and know that her own husband of a few days was already going elsewhere. Ava refused to feed at feeding times, Marcus and Aro himself checked on Ava. She rarely saw Caius. Which just fuelled the thoughts of Ava leaving the castle. Had the cards been on the other hand Ava would never have agreed. The thought of Caius sleeping with a human made Ava furious. Jane and Alec checked in every so often and Ava wouldn't speak even to them. Caius had truly hurt her and he hadn't realised it. It wasn't until two nights later that Ava walked into the chambers her and Caius shared together only to find Caius and a mere human girl having sex in her own bed. She never thought this would happen so quickly and in her own room also. That was all it took for Ava to pack a bag and get ready to leave. Whilst the rest of the castle were feeding in preparation for the cullens arrival. Ava had returned to her and Caius' chambers and left her volturi pendant and ring with a note in an envelope addressed to Caius. Stepping outside the castle door with her few bags. Ava took one last look at the place she had once called home and turned and in the darkness she was gone.

Meanwhile after the feeding session had finished Marcus grasped Aro's hand and showed him that bond between Caius and Ava that once stood the most brilliant of gold was now a dark grey. Theyd go and see Ava once theyd checked on the human Caius had been with. Aro and Marcus sat in the library and awaited for Caius to join them before they made decisions. Both kings were roused from their conversation when they heard Caius' roar echo throughout the castle. The Castle burst to life at the sound , each and every guard on edge it was unlike their king to react in such a way. when the kings reached Caius' room , they were halted in their tracks for his room was completely destroyed. the young woman cowered in the corner shaking in fear. Caius stood glaring out the window. " Brother what in satans name has happened here?" Aro questioned. "YOU ! YOU HAPPENED ARO!! THIS SCHEME OF YOURS!! AVA'S LEFT ME BECAUSE OF YOU BECAUSE OF THIS. MY WIFE IS HURTING AND I DIDNT NOTICE BECAUSE I WAS TOO BUSY SEEING YOUR OUTRAGEOUS PLAN THROUGH! TELL ME ARO WHAT AM I TO DO NOW BECAUSE BELIEVE YOU ME I WILL TEAR APART THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE UNTIL I FIND HER AND I PROMISE YOU THIS SHOULD I , MYSELF HAVE TO EXPOSE THE RACE OF VAMPIRES TO DO SO ARO SO HELP ME YOU BETTER FIX THIS AND NOW I WANT MY WIFE I NEVER DID WANT SOME PATHETIC HUMAN . BECAUSE OF YOU EVERYTHING I LOVED HAS GONE AND YOU ARE TO BLAME ARO! SHE STOOD BY YOU , WHEN YOUR WIFE ATTACKED HER. SHE PUT HER LIFE ON THE LINE SO MANY TIMES FOR THIS COVEN WHEN SHE WAS HUMAN AND THIS IS HOW WE BETRAY HER!WE DONT DESERVE HER WE NEVER DID !"Caius raged . Marcus had removed the human girl and gone to check Avas current room himself. true to Caius' words ava was gone.

Aro had gathered every immortal in the castle to find Ava but not to approach unless ordered god knows what she would do . It dawned upon Aro that what he had done was truly unforgivable. Reading the note Ava had left Caius , Aro felt nothing but guilt for he had caused this mess. The note read:

my only love,

it is with great sadness and regret , that i even have to do this. with everything thats going on , i simply cannot stand to see you with anyone else especially a human and in our bed too. the same bed we made love for the first time, the same bed i awoke from in my transformation. what hurts most is that you completely forgot about our honeymoon and took priority in having sexual interactions with someone other than your wife . I wont sit around and watch you be with however many humans it takesand to watch you raise a child that isn't ours. I'll still be out there in the world somewhere, perhaps one day we will see each other again i cannot say for sure, i will say i hope you are happy with the human and child and in time i will too attempt to be happy again not now , not tomorrow perhaps in a hundred years or so . keep on going the coven cannot lose two rulers. ive left my pendant and our wedding ring. I realise now it meant more to me than it did to you . you should marry the mother of your child my love. know that this is the hardest thing ive had to do . keep an eye on Jane and Alec for me let them know I'm around and that i love them with all i have to give . As a parting of ways i trust you'll do the right thing for Benjamin . Please if you ever truly once loved me , release ben from the guard he no longer needs to be there or if he prefers to come and find me I will see to it he will . Farewell my only love You are lodged in my heart. The small key is lost. You must stay there forever and eternity.

yours truly

Ava Swan

The twins left immediately after hearing the note ,Aro himself had destroyed the human that could have been carrying the hybrid for having Ava was what mattered most. The Question on everyones mind was would they ever find ava

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