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Whilst Ava was in the library with Jane and Alec , Caius was planning an evening shopping trip with just him and Ava in volterra. He had already informed the kitchen staff that Ava would be eating out tonight so they need not prepare her a meal. Demetri had excused himself to go and check whether Ava required any medication, which Caius had asked him to write down what she should have and how much and what each one was for just in case he was called on a mission at least someone would be able to dispense her medication should it be needed. It was 3pm by the time Ava returned to her and Caius' room surprised that he was already there." My dear, I've had a splendid idea and I'd like to take you out tonight, we could do a bit of shopping , get you food and just spend time together just the two of us if you're feeling up to it of course my love." Caius asked hoping she wasn't too tired to go."I'd love that my warrior, it feels like it's been so long since we actually had time just us two, I'd like to change my clothes first what time would you like to leave ?" Ava asked hoping she had time to shower or bathe before leaving." We could leave for 7pm my angel, that gives you a few hours to relax"Caius replied." Perfect my love , I'd like to shower or bathe first that is all" Ava told Caius whilst going through their wardrobe and drawers picking out a dress with heels and some lacy undergarments.she hadn't noticed that Caius had already gone to run her the bath. Locking the bedroom door, Ava started removing her sweatpants and tshirt and walked towards the bathroom. Caius had sensed Ava's presence before he felt Ava wrap her arms around his torso resting her cheek against his back. Taking care of her injuries Caius turned to face Ava, leaning down to take a kiss that Ava was all to willing to give. Moaning into the kiss Ava felt Caius' grip tighten against her hips. Pulling apart to give Ava some air, Caius turned his attention back to the bath tub which was now full turning off the tap. Caius proceeded to leave the bathroom to give Ava some privacy. He got to the door way before Ava who was now standing in nothing whatsoever spoke." Care to join me my love?" Ava had asked tilting her head to one side with her one hand on her hip and looking at her nails on the other hand. Ava turned and settled into the bath, glancing at Caius ,she raised her leg. As if in a trance Caius was walking towards Ava when he reached the tub he sat beside her head on the floor." Your so beautiful my love" Caius told her. Ava smiled leaning her head back so it touched with her mates, they both became so relaxed to the position that they were in that Caius hadn't noticed Ava was about to splash him with water. With a quick flick of her wrist Ava had soaked poor Caius." Now I guess you have no choice but to either come in here with me or you can wait til I'm done and bath alone , I know what I'd choose" Ava said smirking. " as you wish my dear" Caius responded sliding in the bathtub behind Ava. Ava leaned back into Caius enjoying the coolness of his embrace, nothing soothed her more than him. " your in a good mood tonight my queen any particular reason?"Caius asked not seeing this confident brazen side to his mate often." Well I'm alive for one, I've two beautiful children who I adore, I've finally a family who care about me for me and most importantly I've got you my king for the rest of eternity which is more than I've ever dreamed off isn't that a good enough reason?" Ava responded. She did finally have a family, the only true family she had that truly cared was her mother, her father never fought to see her, never sent birthday cards or Christmas cards, never phoned. In fact Ava hadn't seen or heard from him since she was three." That is more than enough reasons my dear now I believe we should start getting out and getting ready to leave as much as I'm enjoying this moment with you" Caius told Ava although he instantly regretted it knowing that he'd much rather be here like he was now, but plans were plans." Yes we do my love" Ava replied unhooking the bath plug with her foot before standing up and reaching for her towel." You little devil" Caius whispered in her ear knowing she was purposefully teasing him." But I thought I was your angel?" Ava responded turning to wink at Caius and laughed before heading to get dressed . 6pm they were both dressed and ready to go , Ava had gotten her nightclothes out for when she came back knowing it would probably be late. Caius and Ava made their way to the other kings to bid their farewells . Little did Ava know Caius had a surprise in store for Ava when she returns from her shopping trip with him. With the help from his brothers and the elite guard tonight would be a night for Ava to remember.walking to the Kings private meeting room arm in arms with each other, Ava and Caius had never looked happier. Awaiting the pair was Marcus with a black cloak folded in his hands. Marcus held it out towards Ava, although the sun wouldn't affect her it would keep the chill out . Bidding their farewells Ava and Caius left the castle with demetri and Felix following in the shadows.

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