A Stormtrooper's Justice

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The day had come at last. Zig and Niobe stood side-by-side as two stormtroopers entered with laser-axes.

Geda Fengris and Zoran were next to them, looking down at the three prisoners that stole from them.

"You know, I met a guy once. Real charming. He fought me with a Lightsaber. He escaped from me. Ever since then, I never let my enemies escape."

Raphael spits at Geda's face, "Do your worse."

"I like you," Geda wiped off the spit, "you are just like him, like the lightsaber guy. A REBEL!"

Zig looked in horror as Geda ordered his execution right then and there. His cheeks were red of anger and he knew he would never see the friend that saved him once.

"Wait!," Zig yelled his lungs out snd the stormtrooper stopped in his tracks.

"Yes, Captain," Geda said sarcastically.

"He did not do it. It was the other two man that did it."

"No. I get it, Zig, you are trying to protect me. But my life is over. I did it snd I feel proud. This planet will never bent down to you scum."

"I'm glad you are honest, do it."


"Yes?," Zig closed his eyes for he did not want to see his best friend die. He already saw a friend turn to the dark.

"Protect her," Niobe pressed her head in Zig's chest so she would not see the beheading.


Slush. Zig opened his eyes to see Raphael's head roll off his head across the ground and Geda stepped on it. Zig was furious.

"Rebel scum never learn. Captain Zig, return to your office with, who's that?"

"My loyal girlfriend. She, too, is with the Empire."

"Glad to hear it. Keep her. Marry her. And produce heirs for the Empire," she laugh maniacally.

Zig and Niobe returned to the office. Zoran left to his chambers, but was stopped by Geda.

"You will be the Governor of this sector. Zig will be your right hand man. Do tell him tomorrow."

Zoran went to sleep for the day. He soon realized something. Geda didn't had feelings for anything or anybody. He needed to get rid off her as soon as possible.

The next day, Zoran sat on the throne of Satab that was murdered by Zig. He called upon Zig to talk to him about an urgent matter.

"You wanted to speak to me?," Zif entered nervously.

"I'll go straight to the problem, Geda," Zig's eyes widened by the fact.

"I know you hate her, and I also hate her. But we can't kill her because of her position."

"What do you propose, buddy?," Zig asked.

"Well, she currently is out on Tatooine doing field work. Her last request was to place me in charge of the Ventooine system. That means," Zig quickly stopped him.

"I'm second-in-command," Zoran nodded at the comment.

"Yes, I will send troopers to her aid, and you, I need you somewhere else."

"Why help her when you want destroy her?," Zig questioned his higher up.

"Pretending to be her friend. Now yoy must go to Kamino."


"There is a clone of the Galactic Republic that knows the wheareabouts of CT-7567."


"Captain Rex. He rebelled against the Empire. He helped in the Battle of Scarif and Yavin. He is a bigger threat then expected."

"What about Geda?"

"We'll deal with her after you return."

"Deal. Anything special for this, 'clone'?," Zig said sarcastically.

Zoran smiled, "bring him alive or dead, I just want his body. I do wish to torture him."

"Deal. I'll head for the Kamino as soon as I deal with my other problem."

"Sure. Dismissed, Captain."

Zig left the throne room and headed for his room inside the Palace. On the bed, Niobe was peacefully sleeping unaware of what her man was about to do.

Zig did not wished to kill the clone, despite being just a normal clone. He remembered what the Empire did.

"They took everything from me," he whispered to himself. He couldn't let Niobe be kill off as well.

He took a TIE fighter and headed for the Kamino system in search of any clues of the clone.

He landed on Tipoca City, the capital and he received a hologram from his superior.

"Yes, Commander?"

"I have received intel. He is on the second floor, go now!"

"I'm on it," Zig rushed to the second floor to soon meet the man he had to kill or capture.

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