Battle of the Heroes

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"Warn the others, we must" Yoda tells Bail Organa who rescued him from Kashyyyk.

Later on, Obi-Wan Kenobi is pick up and the trio head towards the Jedi Temple to reset the beacon so no Jedi gets near the Temple, knowing now that it is a trap set by Sidiuos and Vader.

Yoda tells the two that the Sith Lords must be stopped. Yoda insist he takes on Sidiuos and Obi-Wan takes on Vader, his former student. The trio agreed and soon head their way.

As Obi-Wan arrives to confront his former student, Yoda arrives at the right time to face Sidiuos. Yoda tars out the guards and then duels it out with Sidious. They have a harsh battle in the Convocation Chamber, in which Yoda falls and has to retreat where General Organa picks him up saying that he fail.

"I love you" Padmé says in despair towards a dark Anakin.

Obi wan exit Padmé's ship and Anakin sees him.

"Liar!" He says "Your with him. You brought him to kill me" Anakin says

"No" Padmé manages to say as she starts to choke her.

"Let her go, Anakin. Let Her Go!" Obi-Wan demanded him.

Anakin does what Obi-Wan told him.

"You turned her against me" Anakin tells Obi-Wan.

"You have done that yourself!" Obi-Wan says back.

"You will not take her from me!" Anakin yells

"Your actions and lust for power have already done that!" He says "You have allowed this 'Dark Lord' to twist your mind until now, and become the very thing you swore to destroy".

"Don't leture me Obi-Wan, I have seen through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do"

"I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new empire"

"Your new empire?"

"Don't make me kill you"

"Anakin, my is to the republic, to DEMOCRACY!" Obi-Wan yelles

"If your not with me, then your my enemy"

"Only a Sith deals absolute. I will do what I must"

"You will try"

Anakin jumps backwards and ignites his lightsaber and so does Obi-Wan. The two former friends fight in the Mustafar control room and into the open of the lava plumes.

Later on the meet their demise when a huge chunk of the Separatist hands falls. They fight over platforms, just close to the lava pouring upwards.

"I have failed you Anakin. I have failed you" Obi-Wan says

"I should of know the Jedi would be wanting to take over" Anakin says

"Anakin, don't trust Chancellor Palpatine is evil"

"In my point of view the Jedi are evil"

"Well then you are lost!" Obi-Wan screams at him.

"This is the end for you my master" Anakin says

The two continue fighting until Obi-Wan jumps into higher ground.

"It's over Anakin. I have the high ground".

"You underestimate my power"

"Don't try it"

Anakin jumps as Obi-Wan cuts both legs and the other arm of Anakin, leaving him near the edge of dying.

"You were the Chosen One. It was said you would destroy the Sith not join them! Bring balance to the force, not leaving to darkness" Obi-Wan says he then proceeds to take Anakin's lightsaber.

"I Hate You!!" Anakin yells

"You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you"

Anakin then catches fire as Obi-Wan leaves to the horrible scene. Padmé abroad the ship, back with Yoda and Bail, gives birth to twins she names Luke and Leia.

Bail then says he should take Leia to Alderaan while Obi-Wan takes Luke to Tatooine. Yoda goes to exile in Dagobah.

Meanwhile, Rex and Paul where searching for a way out of the mess.

"I suggest Kashyyyk" Captain Rex said

"Why. Wookies?" Paul asked

"Yeah, we can really use their help" Rex said

"Sir, we have company" The Clone piloting the spaceship said.

"Copy that. Who is it, Gabe?" Rex asked.

"Imperial Shuttle" Gabe said as a blast stroke the spaceship and began to lose the controls.

"Sir, spaceship--is going down" The Co pilot said.

"Do we have a place to land on" Rex said.

"Yeah, there" Paul entered the conversation pointing at the map.

"Tatooine? Well that is unsual" Rex said "Prepare for a crash-landing"

The spaceship began to enter Tatooine's orbit and crashed near a small city full of different races. Houses made of sandstone and Moisture Vaporizer.

"I know a guy that might help us" Rex said as he and Paul entered the city.

"Who?" Paul asked.

"You'll meet him" Rex said as they entered the Cantina.

A band of musician aliens began playing as they entered (The same song as the one from a New Hope. Have that on when reading. It helps :)). Alien races space around the Cantina. They reached a table where one human male sat, with blonde one with blue eyes shoot the other.

"What have you come here for, Rex" The man said.

"Hey there Mark, don't have to be harsh with me" Rex said

"Mark Solo to you and I can be harsh to anyone I want. We haven't talk in years. What the hell you want" Mark spoke.

"I want your help. You have a spaceship don't you?" Rex asked

"Yes, and it is called the Infected Republic" Mark Solo said

"I see. We need a ride. Ours got jammed" Rex said

"Good. How many"

"10, plus me and my friend here" Rex said pointing at Paul, whom showed the lightsaber hilt on his belt

"You think that scares me" He says

"Well, I wouldn't know" Paul said

"I have faced even the toughest bounty hunter in the galaxy and you think that would scare me of. You guys have a deal. Credits for a ride" Mark said

"How about about a leadership position?" Rex asked

"Leadership?" He said...

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