Part 1

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Author: Some parts of this fanfic is also in my one shot book but I'm finishing the chapters in this book. Just btw.
Wills P.O.V
The city is dangerous at night. A curtain of fog covers the moon leaving the city nearly pitch black aside from the streetlights and the buildings.

I would have gotten a taxi if it weren't for the fact that my apartment complex was only a couple blocks away from the house party I was at and I couldn't afford to spend the pointless money it would take to get there.

That day the city felt oddly dreary and depressing. Perhaps it was the fog shielding the stars or the faint sound of thunder in the distance but whatever it was I couldn't shake it off.

Then I felt a hand on my arm and a hand on my mouth.
Nico's P.O.V
I was starving. I hadn't eaten in days only because I couldn't stand drinking the blood of anyone no matter how good it felt on my tongue. The hunger was killing me though, my heart was beating fast and my lungs were burning. I could hardly breath. I needed blood fast.

Then I smelled this wonderful scent. Sweet and intoxicating. I peeked from the alley I was hiding in to see where the smell was coming from.

It was coming from a boy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes that glowed in the darkness like headlights. He smelled delicious.

Without a second thought I let my vampire strength kick in and ran toward him, grabbing his arm and covering his mouth, dragging him toward that alley. He smelled even better up close. He squirmed and kicked against my grip but it was no use against my strength.
Wills P.O.V
Shit! I kicked and squirmed as much as I could as he pushed me towards the darkness of an alleyway. The two buildings were close to each other so the alley was tight. I screamed against his hand and moved more violently but he was just too damn strong.

I felt warmth on my neck. He kissed my neck. No, no, no, no. Am I about to get raped? Does this psycho want to take my virginity? Hell no.

This time I kicked even harder and twisted my body as much as I could to loosen his grip. That only made him hold on tighter.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in the same place I felt his lips. It hurt so much I felt dizzy. I started seeing colorful dots dance in the air then everything went black.
Nicos P.O.V
My sanity returned and he was passed out in my arms and holy shit. I recognized him. The freckles and curly hair. He lived in the apartment next to mine.

Did he see my face? Will he remember any of this when he wakes up? Shit, shit, shit.

I sighed and tried to compose myself. I knew that I couldn't just leave him here and since I knew where he lived it would only make sense to take him to his apartment and lay him down.

I carried his body to my apartment complex that was only a couple blocks from where I bit him. People gave me odd and suspicious looks the whole way but this couldn't possibly be the weirdest thing they've ever seen considering they live in New York City.

I finally got there and had to carry him to the elevator. There were about five people in the small little elevator making the situation even more awkward. I could feel the people in the elevator staring holes into the back of my head the whole way to the fifth floor.

Eventually I got to the floor and was panting and limping my way to apartment 523. I awkwardly sat him on the floor in front of his apartment and rummaged his pockets for his keys.

Eventually I found them and unlocked the door. I kicked it open with my foot as I carried him toward what I assumed was his bedroom. I layed him in bed and placed the keys next to his bed and left as fast as I could. My heart beating in my ears.

I fucked up. Bad.
Wills P.O.V
I woke up to a swirl of colors. Everything was blurry and there was this sharp, aching pain in the side of my neck. Maybe I slept wrong.

I forced myself to get up and my whole body writhed in pain.

"Ouch!" I screamed out, collapsing back on the bed in pain. What happened last night?

I closed my eyes trying to remember what happened the night before. I went to the party. I had a couple of beers but not enough to get drunk. I conversed with friends I hadn't seen in years and danced with some hot guy that was totally out of my league. Did I get his number? Not important. Then I walked home around midnight and....and....and HOLY SHIT! I remember, someone attacked me. I got attacked! I didn't see their face and I passed out afterward and I'm in my bed. But how? Who was he? How did I get here?

Questions swirled in my head and I had answers to none of them. It was frustrating. I touched my neck and winced. It stung. But why? What exactly did he do to me?

I sighed. I had work today and if I didn't get off my lazy ass I was going to be late. I tried to sit up again and this time it came a little bit easier.

I rolled out of bed and ran my hand through my messy bed head. I touched my neck once more and felt something I hadn't noticed before. Two tiny wounds on the side of my neck, I traced the wound with my finger. What the fuck? A vampire? Did I get attacked by a fucking vampire? No way, vampires don't exist. I'm going insane. I sighed for the thirtieth time and thought a shower might clear my mind....or hopefully make me forget completely.
Nicos P.O.V
I didn't care for human interaction. It's a vampire thing. But I remember every time I'd bump into Will in the hallway he'd try to make conversation with me. He smiled and laughed and always seemed cheerful. So cheerful it was blinding. I hated it. Or so I thought. But after months of us bumping into each other I started to get used to it, in fact I started expecting it.

But today when I left my apartment, wearing all black to help sheild me from the sun, he wasn't there. We usually left at the same time. Should I be relieved? I wasn't sure if he saw my face that night when I bit him, its been bothering me all night. But now that he didn't leave at the right time I only became more curious.

I decided to check on him. It might be a terrible idea but it'll be better then just spending the whole day thinking of last night. I knocked on his door, expecting an answer but getting none. Has he left earlier? Then I listened closely and heard water running, he was taking a shower.

I was about to walk away when I heard a loud disturbing crash coming from inside his apartment. Without much thought I ran inside, and ran toward where the sound originated from. It was from the shower. I walked inside hesitantly wondering if I made a mistake only to see him passed out on the floor of his shower, the wound from his neck showing and blood dripping down his body.
To be continued....

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