Part 6

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Will's P.O.V
I woke up, again, in Nico's bedroom. I felt refreshed and the flavor of blood had disappeared from my mouth.

I slowly crept out of Nico's bed and onto the cool, hardwood floor. I scanned the perimeter of Nico's small bedroom, taking in his black and white furniture and walls.

"Not much for colors, huh?" I muttered. His apartment was a lot like his style of clothing. Black and white but no color. I couldn't relate less. I wore rainbow themed shirts every chance I got and wore colored wrist bands all the time.

I walked out of his colorless room to find a yawning Nico cooking what smelled like eggs and bacon. The smell wafted up my nose causing my stomach to growl obnoxiously. The sound made Nico jump and drop his spatula. I blurted out laughing and Nico glared at me, his cheeks burning red.

"Is that for me?" I asked. He just rolled his eyes.

"It could've been if you hadn't made me drop my spatula" he grumbled, pouting. I chuckled. He looks like a grumpy kitty cat. I thought to myself, smiling. "Do you feel better?" he asked, suddenly avoiding my eyes. "Yeah, I feel refreshed thanks to you" I responded. His face turned cherry red once again. I walked into Nico's kitchen only to find myself left blushing.

Nico was wearing nothing but an over-sized shirt covering his stick thin pale legs. He looked so adorable I couldn't handle it. His hair was sticking up in different directions and his eyelashes fluttered lightly as if he was trying not to fall asleep on the spot. I couldn't help but stare at him.

He glared at me with his dark, intense eyes. "What're you staring at Solace? Sit down, if you don't eat anything your hunger for blood will grow significantly" he said, placing a plate of bacon and eggs on his dining room table. As I sat down in front of the delicious, steaming hot plate of food Nico abruptly placed a bottle of suspicious looking pills in front of me.

"They're blood tablets, they help subside hunger for blood by almost 60% which is helpful as long as you eat" Nico explained with a serious expression. "Wow...thanks Nico, I mean it, for everything" I told him, quickly shoving some scrambled eggs in my mouth. I looked discreetly over at Nico to see he was blushing again, his eyes looking thoughtfully at the ground.

I wondered what he was thinking. And for a second I wondered if he was thinking of me.
Nico's P.O.V
The things Will say drive me crazy. I hate it. I can't tell if I want to punch him or kiss him but I know I can't do either. It's my fault Will is like this and now it's my job to make sure he doesn't go beserk.

There's a rare few of vampires that go crazy and only think of blood. They're called beserkers or berserk vampires. They kill everything in sight until they are satisfied. Of course that species of vampire is usually captured and killed by vampire hunters. I can't let that happen to Will. The thought left a strange feeling in the pit of my chest.

"Nico, you okay" I jumped at the sound of Wills voice and realized I'd been staring at the ground for an entire minute. "Uh...y-yeah, I'm fine" I stammered, internally cringing at myself. Will didn't seem fully convinced but didn't say anything more.

He continued eating my food and humming as he chewed. "Shit Nico, this is really good" he said, smiling. I felt my ears go hot. "Thanks Will" I said, returning the smile. Suddenly Will stared at me, his blue eyes wide with shock.

"W-What?" I asked. "I think this is only the second time I've seen you smile since we met, you should do it more often" he responded, his voice sweet and velvety with every word.

My whole body burned when he spoke and in that moment I wanted to punch him and kiss him more than I ever have before.

Our eyes met and for the first time I couldn't avert my gaze from his bright blue eyes. Before I could say a word my house phone begun ringing obnoxiously loud, causing both of us to jump in unison. "I'll get it".

I got up and answered the wall phone. At first it was silent and I wondered if it was a prank call. "Hello?". I waited until I suddenly heard a deep, scratchy voice respond.

"Nico, did you miss me? I'm the person who slayed your berserk vampire sister. Her blood was on my hand and her head was in my grip. Do you remember?" he chuckled loudly and everything around me spun. I felt like someone had their grip on my neck and I couldn't breath. Everything around me was a blur.

"You're next Nico. I'm coming for you.
You're blood will be on my hands next and there's nothing stopping me. You can't escape you're fate Nico, I'm coming for you".

With that he hung up and it felt as if my whole world had collapsed at my feet.
To be continued...

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