Part 4

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Will's P.O.V
I saw the dark outline of his body through my windshield. He was shivering against the bitter weather of New York. His long, dark hair was swaying against the breeze and his dark, obsidian eyes followed my slow moving car.

I stopped the car next to his spot on the sidewalk and he stepped inside, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Th-thanks for picking me up Will" he stammered, still shivering. I don't know why I agreed to pick Nico up. I should've just told him I had no idea where Half-Blood was.

The silence was like a blade cutting through flesh. I wondered if he felt as awkward as I did. I bit him in the neck and the flavor of his blood was still fresh on my tongue. Of course it was awkward for him too, why wouldn't it be? I couldn't take the deafening silence anymore.

"You want to listen to some music?" I asked him. He just nodded his head and hummed. I turned on the radio only to hear a Panic! At The Disco song start to play. Girls/Girls/Boys, a song I wasn't expecting to hear on the radio. I saw a small smile grow on Nico's lips and I tried to ignore my drumming heart.

"I love this song" he said, chuckling lightly. The sound made my ears tingle and turn red. I gulped.

"So do I" I admitted, smiling. As the song echoed in my crappy, little automobile I couldn't help but begin to sing along. Sure, it was embarrassing, but I already embarrassed myself anyway so what's the harm?

For a second Nico just stared at me but after I got through the second verse he burst out in uncontrollable laughter.

I realized in that moment that I never heard Nico laugh before because surely I'd remember a sound that was this magnificent. His laugh made my heart flutter and my palms begin to sweat.

"You know, you're not too shabby at singing Solace" Nico said in mid laugh. I felt my cheeks begin to burn and figured out how screwed I really was.

Before we knew it we were back in front of our apartment building. Who knew a song could get two people through an awkward car ride?

When I stepped out of my crappy car I found that the smell of the city was stronger than usual. It must be a side effect to this whole vampire deal.

The fact that I'm a vampire still hadn't fully processed in my brain. I would have a craving for blood for the rest of my life, I would always have a stronger sense of smell and I'd always want the same thing no matter what. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. I want blood. I need blood.

I feel dizzy. My hearts racing. My lungs burn. Someone's calling my name. I'm thirsty, so thirsty, so very thirsty.

Everything went black.
Nico's P.O.V
I walked out of Wills automobile, unable to contain my smile. When was the last time I smiled anyway? When was the last time I laughed?

I waited for Will to follow me into the building until I turned around to see Will standing in front of his car with a blank expression. "Will?". He didn't respond. Suddenly his body fell backwards and my legs moved faster than they've ever moved before. I caught him before he could fall to the ground.

"Will!" I screamed out his name. He was thirsty for blood. He was pale and his lips were chapped. I felt drops of cool water fall onto my face and realized it had started to rain. On top of that people had begun to stare at us.

I carried his body inside the doors and somehow into the elevator. I'm not even sure how I got to our floor.

As I carried his body to my apartment I felt the familiarity of this moment. I remembered back to the last time I had to carry his body to my apartment.

This is all my fault. I did this to him. I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head. I can't think about that now, I have to get Will to a bed.

I dragged his body into my apartment. I heard him groan softly and I knew that if a vampire went too long without blood they could die.

I hauled him up onto my bed with one last loud breath. Wills hair was wet and matted down to his forehead. His chapped lips were partied and his breathing was shallow.

"Blood" he groaned out, his eyes still closed and his lashes dripping with droplets of rain. "Will wake up, you can drink my blood, I'm okay with it" I told him, trying to shake him awake. I was becoming desperate, he still hasn't opened his eyes and no matter what I said or how much I would shake him he wouldn't open his eyes. I was getting worried. What if he never opened his eyes?

"Will, please, wake up" I begged, breathless with desperation. I didn't know what to do. My brain was running with different scenarios.

His breathing was becoming even more shallow and his skin seemed to only get more pale.

Letting my adrenaline and fear take over, I did something I didn't think I'd ever do.

I kissed him.
To be continued...

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