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Kae walked carefully over toward Robyn, trying not to spill the mugs of hot cider she held in either hand

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Kae walked carefully over toward Robyn, trying not to spill the mugs of hot cider she held in either hand. Her roommate was perched on the edge of one of the red couches, holding her cell and texting furiously. After the Women of Bridgeport meeting officially disbanded ten minutes earlier, Alex and Yara had been attacked by swarms of happy girls wanting to thank them for putting the whole thing together, leaving Kae and Robyn on their own. As she approached with the mugs, she saw Robyn drop her phone back into the pocket of her raincoat.

"Thanks," Robyn said, looking up with surprise as Kae handed her the mug. Her cheeks were flushed, and Kae couldn't help but wonder if it was due to the sweltering temperature inside the atrium or whatever she'd just been texting about.

"Wanna head back?" Kae asked, putting down her cider as she realized she was too hot to drink it. Even though she'd taken off her heavy wool sweater and was just wearing a thin black tee, she could feel that her bra was damp with sweat. Gross.

"Yes," Robyn answered, looking relieved. "Let's go." 

The two of them headed out into the dark, chilly night, and Kae stopped for a minute, letting the cool air hit her hot skin before pulling on her sweater. Up ahead of them a flock of other girls made their way back to the dorms. Robyn and Kae lagged behind a little, the only noise coming from the dried leaves crunching under their shoes. They weren't talking, but for the first time Kae could tell that it was a comfortable silence that had fallen between them.

In some ways it was sad that things with Chris were officially over, that she'd made a pact with Robyn, and that now even if Chris came back and said he loved her, she'd have to refuse him. But looking into Robyn's eyes and promising in front of the whole world that their friendship would always come before Chris , or any other boy for that matter, made Kae realize how crippled with guilt she'd been over the whole situation. Maybe if she were a different person, someone like Jasmine, she could have dated Chris without the guilt, and it could have been wonderful. But she was done with trying to be someone else. She was Karrueche Tran, like it or not, and Karrueche Tran did not steal other people's boyfriends.

"Hey, I'm going to leave a note for Alex," Kae said as they stepped into the lobby of Waverly. The floor was covered with leaves and dozens of girls' footprints. Mrs. Davis was going to be pissed tomorrow when she saw the mess.

"'Kay." Robyn grinned at Kae over her shoulder as she walked toward the staircase. Kae watched her for a second. Despite the fact that Robyn had tightened the drawstring on her gray flannel pants as much as humanly possible, the pants still sagged down to her hips, revealing a tiny birthmark near her bony spine. Kae wished she could stuff some cookies into her, but even the delicious, warm gingerbread ones hadn't tempted Robyn at the meeting tonight. "See you later, roomie!" She waved as she disappeared from sight.

Kae smiled back at her, still feeling all warm and fuzzy from the meeting, and headed toward Alex's room. As she passed the hall broom closet she paused. What was that beeping sound? It was faint, but it was definitely coming from the closet. Curious, Kae cracked open the door.

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