It seemed like a nice and quiet day in St. Petersburg, the sun shining through the slightly transparent curtains over the two sleeping peacefully in the all so comfortable bed, the two of them sharing the same sheets, but looking like they weren't even in the same image, same room, same universe. The two of them were sleeping both turned to the side and their backs facing each other... Another wasted night, where the Russian had no courage to tell the other man laying next to him how he was feeling, knowing his supposed lover wasn't even listening to what he had to say, turning everything against him, saying that he, himself, changed. And that was, more or less, true. But, for a person to change, there need to be some external factors and a response on the other end as well. But of course, the Kazakh didn't even want to hear about that. That was just nonsense and a waste of his time. So all he did last night is stay silent, once again... Oh God how he wished to speak up... To tell him everything, to let him know that it hurts, that he can't go on like this. But his lover was stone cold. And he could do nothing about that... Cause he loved him... More than he was supposed to and more than he intended... The blond fluttered his eyelids open, looking back to the side to see if the man he was so fond of was still beside him. He has been insecure about himself for so long. Insecure and scared. Scared of losing the one he has been in love with for two years straight. Because, well... Yuri gave Otabek everything he had... Besides his virginity... And, at times, he would think they grew apart because of the fact that Yuri was never ready to do so, although Otabek stated that he was going to wait for him and that it didn't particularly bothered him, it didn't seem like it... They were nothing but mere friends... Or maybe it could be less than friends, considering how often they would be arguing and bickering and fighting over they own truths, because, quite frankly, their truths would never be the same as the other's. God damn that stubbornness that the both of them had, how none of them would drop it, how none of them would have the strength to step on their pride and say a sincere 'I'm sorry'... So he gave up... The Russian beauty gave up a long time ago on talking about his feelings to his significant other... It was just making things worse. So biting his tongue and gritting his teeth would seem like the best option for now... Although he knew he was in a dangerous game... Sure, they would go weeks without talking (not more than necessary, that is) but he was afraid that, slowly, they would talk less and less and one day... It might be... That they won't talk to each other at all...
The slender figure rose from under the blankets, carefully stuffing them to the side to get up and prepare some coffee and breakfast for the both of them. Although they weren't acting like a couple anymore, he still felt the need to take care of this cold man sleeping in his bed every night. Only if he was capable of just giving his body away to this man... Maybe things would get easier... Maybe he would actually listen to him... Maybe he would see him once again the way he used to... Maybe that fire in his eyes, that burning passion he had when he kissed him two years ago... His first kiss... But something about the last kiss felt so different than the first kiss he placed on his lips... He started calling him by his first name for the first time half a year ago... It was the first time since the first time that they met... He stopped telling him 'Goodnight' for a long time now, and to think of how sweet and tenderly he used to say that the first time he laid in his bed... And the problem was... He couldn't end it... He couldn't... Cause he still loved him...
"Yuri." A voice snatched the blond out of his thoughts as he was preparing the coffee. "Oh. Morning." Yuri said, a pained smile on his face as he looked at the toned man sitting at the dining table. He placed a mug of coffee in front of the tanned male as he nodded with a stoic face. "Thanks." He said shortly as he took a sip from the coffee. The beautiful, slender figure analyzed his every move, looking for any sign of emotion or weakness but there was nothing. He turned around, continuing to prepare the breakfast before saying with a monotone, tired, almost numb voice "I'll be coming home later tonight. I have practice till late." The Kazakh only said another short "Ok." Like this was none of his business, like he didn't need to know that, like it was a pointless piece of information to him. The teen, although he didn't wish to show it, somehow got hit by that uninterested 'Ok.'. Good thing his lover couldn't see him as he was turned to the kitchen counter, cause right now, he was struggling to fight back tears. He swallowed his tears before he said a fainted "Ok...". He silently went back to their room, but not before placing the breakfast in front of the other man to make sure he will he eating before going to practice as well. He started to get changed, the mirror practically haunting him, his own reflection showing someone he always wished he'd never be. But things change, unfortunately. Didn't think a person who used to bring him so much joy could ever be the exact same reason why he is crumbling down now, his destruction, his Apocalypse, his end. Never in a million years... That is what he promised as well...
"Don't worry, Yuri... No one is ever going to hurt you again do you hear me? I'll be there and I'll cover you I will stay by your side no matter what!" The Kazakh said as the poor, broken boy was now crying in his arms, the light of the lanterns on the streets reflecting on the two of them, making the tray of tears left on the small, pale Russian's face shine in such a manner that you would think his tears were made out of diamonds. His emerald green eyes, red and swollen from crying, were still just as beautiful and enchanting as ever. He clenched into the leather jacket of the taller man, sheltered into his arms like that was the safest place to be, a place without fear, where he had nothing to be scared of. And although the pain in his chest didn't seem to have calmed down, he had someone to care for him. He felt loved. He felt protected. He slowly lift his head up to look the man in the eyes, before unexpectedly feeling a pair of lips being pressed against his own. Of course, his first reaction was of shock, eyes wide and heart beating as fast as ever. But soon enough, he felt a sense of comfort into that kiss, a sweetness about it. Something he never felt before. So he slowly closed his eyes and let himself melt into the arms of this one man that was willing to protect him and love him for him and not for he was about to become or for what he could do. When they parted, a soft smile appeared on Otabek's lips as he spoke "Yura... Please be mine to keep... And I promise you will never get hurt again. I love you, Yura." He said, so confident in his words that anyone would say he was speaking nothing else but the truth. The Russian just slowly nodded, laying his head over his shoulder, saying a fainted, out of power "Ok...".
The Russian beauty entered the apartment as he was dabbing a towel over his forehead, exhausted from the infinite pliés and all the quads he had to do today. He took off his shoes, stretching his neck for about two times before saying in a moderate voice "Beka, I'm home!" . . . No response. . . he went further into the apartment. He wasn't in the living room. Nor was he in the kitchen. Where could he be? "Beka...?" He went up the stairs, hearing some strange noises coming from their bedroom. As he approached the room he could distinguish what those sounds were... No... There's no way, is it? Grunts and moans were coming from the room as he approached it. He couldn't believe his ears. He just couldn't. Maybe he was watching some adult movies? Yes that must be it that MUST be it. He slowly cracked the door open to see the toned body, naked, on top of a young lady that Yuri knew very well... Mila... He let out a gasp at the sight, the two figures so engaged with each other, he couldn't stand the sight. He didn't even feel when the tears started rolling down his face... He cheated... Otabek... His Otabek... Cheated... Unfortunately for him, the man heard his quiet sobs, looking to his direction with a look of terror on his face. He stopped immediately as the red head woman covered herself up in a frenzy. "Yuri, wait, this isn't what you think!" He yelled after the blond teen as he ran downstairs with tears in his eyes. "Then what IS it, Altin, huh? How are you going to explain yourself this time!" He yelled in anger and pain. "What are you getting so mad about?" The Kazakh asked, like it wasn't already obvious. "You fucking cheated on me Otabek I saw you! Otabek, you promised!" His lover now seemed to get impatient as well, too stubborn to try and make up for his actions, but furthermore, trying to twist the knife into the already deep wound. "Well I am a man after all Yuri tell me what the fuck was I supposed to do? It's not like you gave me anything! What did you ever give me anyway that I've taken and you just can't let this pass, huh?" He asked with anger in his tone, something unusual for his calm manner. The teen looked down with a few tears rolling down his face and his emerald eyes shiny from the tears, as his voice faded, barely audible when he spoke the words ". . . I gave you my heart..."

Undress. We need to talk (Otayuri AU)
FanfictionIt's been about two years since Otabek and Yuri started their relationship. And although Otabek assured his lover when they started the relationship that he had no problem that Yuri wasn't ready to get sexually involved with the Kazakh, in time, as...