Chapter 2

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Gradually coming to, I feel light and happy almost as if I am flying. My eyelids fluttering open, I let out a sharp sigh of relief when I become aware of my surroundings. I instantly recognize the pale gold walls of my room, yellow sunlight pooling in from a large window. I’m back at the loft, where Jared and I, along with several other Captivators-in-training, live. Having no idea how I got back here, I immediately am met with a jolt of fear---where is my rod?--- and I jerk upward into a sitting position. Or at least I attempt to, but I am met with a whirling pain in my head and promptly drop back onto my warm pillow.

“It’s okay, you’re going to be fine,” drawls an amused voice. I jerk back at the sound, rolling across my bed maybe a little too fast and land awkwardly on the hard wooden floor, tangled in my sheets. No longer hiding her obvious amusement, Vyn laughs. Her laughter chimes through my room, an eerily sweet noise.

I raise my eyes to her, finding her body shaking with laughter. She is laying where my pillow should be and I pale in horror when I realize I was sleeping on her lap. It seems that everything she does, she chooses to do to make me uncomfortable. Usually collected and formidable, around Vyn I am the opposite, acting edgy and paranoid. Blushing furiously, I snarl, “What in Hell did you think you were doing? And how did we get back here?”

Sliding to a sitting position on the edge of the bed, Vyn explains. “Well, shortly after you decided to take a nap in the road, Jared showed up and dragged you back here. Of course I couldn’t leave you or go back into your rod so I came along. And before you even ask, here,” Vyn says with an eye roll, handing me my rod. Immediately grasping the milky white, opaque, crystalline rod, I am flooded with relief. I struggle to my feet, fighting the pulsing pain radiating from the side of my head where that Captivator whacked me.

“I didn’t know demons could touch weapons created in Heaven’s Furnace,” I comment, eyeing her warily as I slowly rise to my feet. Heaven’s Furnace is actually quite literal in meaning; Angels once created a furnace that could create weapons specifically designed to incapacitate, Capture, and Cleanse demons. The Authority manages and distributes the creation of these weapons.

“I didn’t know you drool in your sleep, but apparently that’s true too,” Vyn says lightly with a subtle smirk. I glower at her.

“Well what did you expect? That I would burst into flames of evil essence?” she laughs darkly. “No, your weapons are paralyzing. The act as a sort of Novocain, and it gets worse the longer we hold an angel weapon. And it’s ten times more numbing if an Angel blade cuts us.”

I stare, mystified at this new revelation, but am quickly interrupted by Jared charging through the door. “What in the Angel’s name was that?” he calmly inquires. I assume he’s referring to the crash I made with my little dive off the bed. And I see through his calm body language and voice, his eyes are seething in a white hot fury when they rest on me.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine,” I say, trying to avoid the somewhat embarrassing question. Jared stands tall and alert, amazingly, because he seems to have been awake all night. He is still wearing his demon hunting gear I last saw him in yesterday when he went Cleansing and he looks exhausted. I feel guilt bubbling in my core, knowing I have been the source of his anxiety for the past twelve hours.

“ ‘Don’t worry?’ You took off in the middle of the night, telling no one your whereabouts and summoned one of your demons. I told you never to do that unless I was right by your side.Do you have any idea what you did to me?” Jared demands, his voice slowly rising to a shout. I’ve never seen him so mad, usually he tries to hide frustration but I can see it clearly on his face and his furious glare now. “Not to mention, you summoned Vyn?” he asks incredulously, as if in awe of my stupidity. I see her cast an annoyed glance at him from the corner of my eye.

“Vyn was the right choice; I needed her aggressiveness to deal with the rouge Captivator who attacked me. And I don’t regret sneaking out, I needed the challenge of facing a real demon,” I defend, keeping my voice even. With that bold statement, I feel and also visibly see Jared’s anger crumble, the fierce look in his eyes replaced with affection and maybe even mingled with a little pride.

Quickly striding over to me, Jared embraces me and inquires, “Are you okay? I know you never intended to summon one of your Captives and that you just wanted to prove yourself.” His embrace is short, Jared isn’t much for displays of affection, but it felt nice, warming my insides. I hear Vyn gag in disgust then collapse on my bed. 

I choose to ignore her, instead turning to Jared asking, “So what kind of punishment is it going to be? A jog up Everest maybe?” I inwardly prepare myself for the grueling physical pain I knew I would endure.

“Nothing actually, at least for now. The Authority requested to speak with you as soon as you woke,” he says with a slight frown. I raise my eyebrow in surprise; the Authority rarely requests Captivators, much less under-age ones.

“But first I have something for you. I got it for you before this little escapade, so don’t think I’m rewarding you for your behavior,” he reprimands, but still seems quite excited, “Wait here.” I watch him leave my room, and then reenter carrying three pouches. “Pick one,” he commands, gesturing at the three bags. Surprised, I slowly open the first bag. Inside it contains a dark blue jewel on a ring. The ring is heavy and cool to the touch, seemingly created of a dark silver metal completing the perfect design. I pull out the contents of the second. I grab a black leather choker collar with a ruby red stone in the center, emitting heat. Inspecting the third pouch, I find a clunky silver chain bracelet with ivy green charms dangling off of it, twinkling in the sunlight. This one seems to match the room temperature.

I’ve heard of these before; seemingly average pieces of jewelry, Converters possess the power to convert demon power we receive when we Cleanse a demon into magic. Normally granted to a young Captivator on their sixteenth birthday, I look on in surprise. This means I would become a full-fledged member of the Captivator society, not just a trainee. I had better choose wisely…

Author's note: I am thoroughly confused as to how this chapter has more reads than the first one but thank you for reading and I hope you're enjoying the story!

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