Chapter 1. Defeated.

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It finally happend. Jesse, the worst of my enemies was standing right in front of me with a sword in his hand. I bet I could see lightnings in his eyes. Chills run through my back but I tried to hide my fear. He shouldn't know just how much I'm scared.
- You just can't stand to see someone else in the spotlight, can you? You just can't let anyone else win! - I can't believe I just said that. How could that mad, that threatening voice belong to me? - Oh, it just drives you crazy to see someone else sucseed, doesn't it?

Deep inside I knew I was wrong. But I couldn't stop. My anger took control of my body, so I just lifted my enchanted sword higher.
- Aiden, this isn't about who wins and who loses, it's about what's right!
Oh, how I hate that voice! Jesse, beloved hero, took one little step forward.
- And that is why are gonna loose! - I screamed.

We stood on that platform in silence, staring at one anoter. I felt raindrops inside my hair and once again my weak, my fearful soul almost made me give up before it's too late. So I weeped it away and attacked. My sword met Jesse's with an awful sound and I stepped back a little. Then attacked again, but Jesse was fast. He blocked my sword and pushed me. I tried to hit my enemy once again, but he dodged. I had to step back again.

Jesse didn't wait. He rose his sword and run at me, but my reaction was quick. Our swords crushed at one anoter, making that terrible sound. And that moment I understood that it's going to end badly. One way or anoter. However, there was no time to think - Jesse attacked me, pushing me on my back. Oh, he was strong! I think my cowardice broke my fearless facade. Just for a second - and then I felt fury inside my body. It gave me strengh to fight back.

In just one jump I stood up. Two deadly swords collided and I saw Jesse as close to me as he had never been. He attacked me one more time, and then did something. When our swords hit each other, Jesse somehow managed to spin my weapon. It was an incredibly powerful move, and I couldn't have predicted it.

My sword flew away from my hand and I fell on my back. The next thing I saw was my enchanted weapon falling off the edge. My only defence, the only barrier between me and my furious enemy was gone. How could I play brave anymore?! My cowardly nature took control of my body and I started to slowly go back, until there was no place to go. Jesse looked at me with his threatening stare. And that's when I realised that it was over. I couldn't do a thing.
- Wait, wait, wait! Hang on, hang on, I s... - I mumbled with my shaking voice. - I surrender! Surrender. We... We can talk about this, right?
Didn't look like it did the trick. Jesse still held his sword pointing it directly at me.
- Here! Here. You... You want your flint and steel back, huh? - I cried, taking the blue flint and steel out of my inventory. - Take it! It's yours. Just please... Don't hurt me!

I dropped the enchanted thing to the floor and slowly got down on my knees, putting my hands into the air where Jesse could see them. He touched my neck with the sharp side of his sword and I closed my eyes, shaking in fear. Few moments later he took his blade down of my face, so I could take a breath. Jesse hid the flint and steel in his inventory and touched my chin with his sword. I stood on my knees too scared to move, when somebody else came.

- You did it! - Reginald said happily. He held that magical chicken and didn't look at me. - Jesse, we've got to get out of here!
I heard people screaming and an explosion.
- What do you want to do with him? - Capitan of the royal guard asked, looking at me as if I were a rat or a cockroach. Well, I guess that's what they all saw - a pathetic bug, a parasite.
- Please! This place is getting worse by the minute. You can't just leave me here... Take me with you!
To be honest, I wasn't sure that being taken away was exactly what I wanted, but it was much better than death.
- After everything you've done?! I'm not sure you deserve that kind of mercy.

Reginald was right. Even I wasn't sure I deserved being saved.
- No, no-no-no, come on! - I begged, standing on my knees. - You can't just leave me behind. If you leave me here, I'll die! I thought you were the good guys!

The time froze. I stood there with my hands in the air and Jesse's sword near my chin. If he wanted to, it would have taken him just a second to end my life, and I knew that. His eyes looked through me, seeing my darkest sins, my fears. I felt water on my cheeks but couldn't understand if it were raindrops or my tears. Few minutes later Jesse turned back on me and started walking to the Sky City. Did he leave me?
- Get moving. You're coming with us.
These words felt like I dropped a mountain off my shoulders. He is taking me to safety!
-Th... Thank you, Jesse! Thank you!
I stood up and started walking with my hands still in the air.
- Huh. More than you deserve, frankly. - grumped Reginald. It was true and I knew that.

All three of us went into the Founder's palace and Jesse stood behind me. So now I couldn't have gone back even if I wanted to.
- Move! - Jesse pushed me with his sword and I obeyed. It's not like I had any choice.
We run out of the palace just to see loads of monsters attacking the city. It was just terrible!
- Jesse!

Somebody called him. I looked to where the shout came from and saw Petra and Ivor with their swords in their hands. But then I mentioned something that made my heart stop for a second. My friends, Maya and Gill stood in front of these two people, surrendering - just like I had been standing not so long ago.
- And stay there! - Ivor shouted me.

Jesse pushed me again and I got down on my knees. Gill turned to me and his eyes widened.

People were screaming and my guards left me to help citizens. Petra waved me so I stood up and ran to her, only to be ordered to get down on my knees again. I did it quetly.
- Man, Aiden, are you all right? - Maya whispered.
- Do I look like that? - I furiously whispered her back and regreted it the next second. She was just trying to help.
Suddenly I heard an explosion and turned back. Jesse was talking with the Founder, but I couldn't hear a word. However, people seemed to hear it all loud and clear and they obviously didn't like it. And then Jesse just jumped into the waterfall!

What was he doing? Everyone knew that these waterfalls led into the void, but then I saw some people following Jesse. Maya, Gill and me stood up, shaking. None of us wanted to die! But then Petra pushed Maya into the water and jumped there as well. I tried to catch my friend's hand, but the stream was too fast. I knew that heroick Jesse would never let innocent people die. If he led them down the waterfalls that meant that whatever is down there won't kill us. Besides, I just couldn't leave one of my only friends.

Gill looked at me and I saw hesitation in his eyes. I smiled to give him some courage and then jumped into water. It was cold as ice, and for a few seconds I almost forgot how to breathe. I heard my friend gasping and wanted to say that everything's going to be okay, but run out of time. The waterfall took me with it and the last thing I saw before water covered me were ruins of the Sky City.

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