Chapter 33. New beginning.

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Why do I always have to black out? No, seriously, it started getting annoying. When was the last time I had a proper sleep?

I groaned, opening my eyes. My head didn't hurt, which was a good sign, but I still felt something weird inside me. By back ached because of uncomfortable position I was laying in, my right arm and the right side of my chest were in weak pain as well. But this type of pain, well, it was different - like I had burned my limb.

Once I opened my eyes, I was greeted by something brown above me. It took me a couple of minutes - or seconds, I couldn't tell, to realise it was a wooden ceiling. I tried to move, but my back was hurting so much I decided to lay still. One thought cheered me up - hey, dead people can't feel pain, can they?

By and by, my feelings and senses came back to normal. I felt something soft and warm below me, and lifted my head to see what it was. My eyes widened at the sight - my whole body was covered by thin white fabric that reached my shoulders. For a second, I struggled to understand what in the universe was going on, but then it occured to me. I sat up to see better, and my guess turned out to be right.

I was laying in a bed. In a real bed, with blanket and pillow and everything the proper bed must have. But why was it so uncomfortable? So soft, so impossible to lay on!
I carefully rolled down on the wooden floor and closed my eyes. Such a relief! Cold, hard wood felt amazing against my aching back. Barely awake, I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around myself, allowing myself to fall asleep again.

I don't know how long it was before I opened my eyes again, this time feeling much better than before. Just a little dizziness, but the rest was fine. So fine, I even managed to stand up using bed to help me up.
I stretched my arms and yawned loudly. Gosh, I felt like I hadn't been sleeping more than a decade!

When I was finally awake, my curiosity took the best of me and I started looking around. Turned out, I was in a small wooden room with a little window and three beds. I looked at the other two, my heart beating faster than normally. There, under thick white blankets just like mine, layed Maya and Gill, both either asleep or uncontious. I really did hope it was the first one.

Memories returned to me, making me flinch and grab my head in hands. Lightnings... Thousands of lightnings stroke us, unimaginable amout of wild energy came through our bodies. And there also was pain - agonising, unbearable pain that filled our bodies. How could a person possibly survive anything like that?!

I sighed, rubbing my temples, when my gaze fell on my right arm. I gasped, inspecting it - the lightning mark, that had only covered my wrist and elbow, became bigger. Its... Tentacles were wrapped around my whole arm, some even reached the right side of my chest. To be fair, it looked totally cool, but also a little bit scary.

- Aiden? - A weak familiar voice asked. I looked up, my green eyes meeting Maya's blue.
- Maya! - I gasped, walking towards her bed. - Oh my... How are you doing?!
- I'm fine... - She sat up, rubbing the back of her neck. - I guess. Just feels a little... Off?
- Yeah, I know. - I nodded, sitting down on her bed. - How come we're still alive after everything?
- I have no clue. - My friend rubbed her forehead. - But I can remember darkness and the tunnel and... Gosh, what the hell is that?!

She backed away, pointing at my right hand, or, to be honest, on my lightning mark. I shrugged:
- That's what my lightning mark turned into... I guess.
- Aiden, that looks really cool! - Maya bit her lower lip and grabbed my arm, inspecting the "tatoo". - I mean, terrible, yeah, but also cool.
Suddenly I noticed some dark skin on her wrist.
- It's good that you like it. - I whistled, despite the fact that I can't. - Because you have one as well.

She gasped, staring at her right hand. I was right - she had a lightning mark as well. It was smaller than mine, but still reminded of a octopous or a web.
- Think this is permanent? - Maya asked, not lifting her eyes. - You know, is there no way to get rid of it?
- Who knows? - I answered honestly. - But I guess I kinda like it.
My friend was about to reply, when we both heard a quiet groan from the other bed. I looked there, smiling at Gill.

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