Chapter 30. Remember us.

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At first I didn't even understand what the hell that sound was. That laughter - I had never heard anything like that before. It seemed to be coming from everywhere around me, filling my ears and my heart with unexplainable fear. Whose laughter was it.

That moment was longer than eternity. That long, paifully long second before I was able to sence anything but that laughter. Cat, still hanging from a cliff, was shaking in my hands, and then it occured to me. Laughter. It was coming from her.

Yes, yes, she was laughing. Despite her condition and the fact that she was so incredibly close to death, she still laughed. She didn't fight, she didn't struggle to get herself up on the ground. Her usually pretty pale face was red, her beautiful eyes were closed, and I saw some tears shining in the starlight on her cheeks.

I didn't understand her. But there was no time to waste - my muscles were aching, and the ground below me was dangerously crumbly.
- Hold on! - I growled through my gritted teeth, trying to pull Catherine up. - Just... A little bit... Further...
- Ai... No... - She managed to said. - Huh... No.
I didn't listen. Gosh, she was too heavy for such a young woman! I hissed in pain, as my back felt like breaking. But then a voice, very clear and calm echoed through my head.
- Stop.

I gasped and opened my eyes to look at my sister, still hanging between life and death. She had stopped laughing, and now her face was almost the description of word "seriousness". There was something strange about her eyes, but I didn't pay attention to that.
- Aiden. - She said calmly, without a frown or a smile. - Just stop.
- What?! - I whispered in terror, wishing to mishear her. She couldn't possibly want me to not save her, could she? It would've been ridiculous!

- Do not struggle. - Cat answered. - Just let go.
A wave of fear and shock felt like a mountain on my already wounded heart. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
- It's okay! - I grabbed her arm tighter, afraid to move. - I will get you out of there, just - just hold on!
I tried again, but nothing worked. We were stuck in one place.
- Aiden. - My sister shook her head. - Do not try. Let go.

- No. - I gulped, begging my muscles to pull my sibling up. - No, no, no! I won't let you die!
Catherine chuckled a little, before looking me right in the eye:
- Do not have choice, Aiden.
It was impossible to believe. She was so calm, so... I didn't want to think about it. So I tensed my arms, desperately trying to do something - anything to save her.

- Don't be ridiculous! - I shouted, my body aching too much. - Don't say such things! I will save you!
I believed it. I needed to believe it. I wanted to believe it.
- You can not. - Cat shook her head. - You know it, do not?
No. No. No. I bit my lip so hard that it was bleeding, but didn't notice that.
- Just hold on. - I almost begged. - I will help you, sis.
She smiled at me, and that smile almost broke my heart.

- Can not. - The grounder said sadly. - Never could. Nobody could.
I pulled myself together and tried again. Sharp, almost unbearable pain shot through my spine and I screamed in agony.
- Aiden, stop! - Catherine ordered. - You can not save doomed one.
Doomed one. I snapped my eyes open, looking my sister in the eye. It wasn't possible.
- No. - I refused to believe it. - No, you're not...
I couldn't say it. But she could.

So she did.

- I one of Three, Aiden. - Catherine stated. - But you knew, did not?
Everything around us two disappeared. I only saw her beautiful eyes, heard my heartbeat. Or was it hers?
I knew she was right. No matter how hard I tried to deny it, to tell myself it was just a paranoia. I knew she was one of the Three. Deep inside my soul I understood that I had known for a while. Just didn't believe it.

- This can't be true. - I whispered powerlessly. - It must be... No.
It was hard to talk. It was painful to think. It was impossible to accept.
- We could understand before. - Catherine giggled. - Knew, something was wrong about first prophecy.
- What? - My voice was barely hearable. - I don't understand...
- Remember first prophecy, Aiden. - Cat said. - Do you?
I couldn't help but nod. I couldn't forget it.

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